What transferrable skills will help you thrive in the mining sector?

March 7, 2024
transferrable skills

As Gold Fields’ Senior Process Operator, Tash is involved with people every day.

A ball of energy and personality, if she’s not busy running mill tours, she’s mentoring graduates working in various parts of the company or training new employees.

“I love coming to work, the people are great, the challenges, the learning, and the satisfaction of doing a good job, keep me coming back each and every day.”

But how did this rock-collecting, gum-boot-loving, mother of three pivot her career from being a cleaner into this amazing role at Gold Fields?

Well, let’s find out shall we…

Framing transferrable skills for a new industry

Tash tells us before taking a job with the company she didn’t know much about Gold Fields, who operates four gold mines in WA.

“When I applied for the job, I had no clue about what it really involved. I just remember reading the job listing and thinking, ‘I could do that’. So, I applied and luckily was successful.”

There’s a well quoted statistic about women only applying to a role when they hit 100% of the requirements, while men often apply with only 60% of the requirements met. With this in mind, it was refreshing, if not a little surprising, to hear the casual certainty Tash shares she felt applying for such a different role from her previous career history as a cleaner and working in the education system.

So, we dug a little deeper…

“In my other roles, we quite often have a short period of time to complete tasks, so being organized and efficient in completing tasks was crucial.”

Tash was able to easily see how these skills were transferrable to the first position she applied for at Gold Fields.

tash gold fields

“Critical and creative thinking are other great transferrable skills to work into your resume. Some of the best ideas have come from people who think outside of the box.”

A culture of physical and social safety

Safety was also high on Tash’s priorities before she applied for that first role.

“When researching Gold Fields, I saw that they took safety seriously. I liked the fact that their website gave me a lot of information about workplace safety and about how they look after staff in what is a very safety conscious industry.”

Beyond just a commitment to physical safety, Tash has found a culture that welcomes and supports women. She was the first woman trainee in her position, and she says the company’s willingness to open doors for women in this traditionally male industry is refreshing.

As a member of Gold Fields ‘Vital Behaviours’ team, Tash has been personally involved in the strategies and initiatives supporting the psychological and personal safety of employees at Gold Fields.

“Even though we promote and encourage people to speak up, we understand that sometimes this is difficult, so we are a voice for people. At our meetings we bring up issues or concerns or suggestions that people have brought to our attention, the beauty of these meetings is that everyone is listened to.”

An extension to this, was the Respectful Workplace Program that was rolled out in 2023 to enhance and support a more inclusive workplace, and one of the ‘wins’ that Tash celebrates is Gold Fields’ introduction of uniforms and clothing designed specifically for women.

Gold Fields recognizes that not everyone is the same and a range of work appropriate clothing is now available for all.”

Discover more about Gold Fields’ culture on their employer pages.  

Check them out now 

Finding a multitude of career development pathways

Tash says the development and learning opportunities at Gold Fields are numerous. But, she adds, it’s important to walk through those doors the company has opened for her, not walk right past them.

“There are so many development opportunities, such as supervisory training and the ability to do field trips and explore other areas of the company’s operations, if you show you are interested.

“My initial role was a Trainee Process Operator. About halfway through my traineeship, a position opened, and I was approached by the superintendent and encouraged to apply for it. I did and I was successful!”

Tash continued, upskilling herself over the next few years, becoming proficient in all areas of the mill. She was even invited to run crews at times, working as a shift boss every now and again. She clearly did well, and she was tapped again to apply for a promotion to the Senior Operator role she now fills.

transferrable skills

“It’s the challenges, the learning, the satisfaction of doing a good job, that keep me coming back each and every day.

“I have had opportunities to visit other Gold Fields sites. I’ve been underground, I’ve been to our open pits. I’m interested in everything, which I think makes a world of difference in my attitude towards my role.

“I’m proud of how far I’ve come since starting six years ago,” she says. “On that first day, I never could have imagined I’d one day be running a crew as acting shift boss, but here I am!”

A continuous learning journey is there for everyone

So happy is she with the opportunities Gold Fields makes available that she is proud to see that her daughter has followed her lead, starting off as a trainee like Tash and progressing now to a Senior Operator too.

Tash’s passion for knowledge and skills with engaging with others isn’t just inspiring her daughter but has led to an important and exciting new opportunity for her.

transferrable skills

“I have been very fortunate to have been asked to mentor new graduates during their time with us, which includes walking them around the plant, buddying them up with someone for a shift to learn a section or just sitting and answering their questions.”

For those who are wondering if they can replicate Tash’s success and pivot into the mining and resource industry – even if they have zero experience – Tash leaves us with this:

“The hours and rosters are different from what I was working before, but for me it was an easy transition. At the end of my first swing, I was keen for the break, but just as keen to come back. And the drive to work every day, with the sunrises and sunsets over the salt lake, is stunning.”

Want to learn more about the benefits of a career at Gold Fields?

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About the Author

Jacynta Clayton’s career started in recruitment advertising and employer branding, working with global clients to create and deploy strategic and creative content. Now she combines her industry experience with the knowledge from her psychology and professional writing degrees to write unique and resounding stories. As a WORK180 storyteller she relishes the opportunity to elevate the voices and experiences of so many amazing people, while also empowering and educating audiences on how to choose a workplace where they can thrive.

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