7 proven strategies one leader uses to help their community thrive

August 26, 2024
Women in Leadership

There’s one key ingredient that sets leading organizations apart from the rest: the relationships and communities they create and nurture. 

This was something that stood out to Carly Gabel when she joined the integrated services company, Downer. With a nearly 20-year career in critical assets and infrastructure and as Head of Business Development & Partnerships, she leads a team in the company’s Energy & Utilities business.

“I’m responsible for leading business development, marketing, and industry partnership activities through our team of business development managers and marketing and communications managers. We bring people together to build integrated solutions based on understanding clients’ needs. This role is a fantastic opportunity to do that in the context of energy transition. I work with a great team and am passionate about our work.” 

So, how does a leading organization enable communities to thrive, whatever their context? Carly shares her take on the core components of a great workplace that puts people at its heart.  

1. A positive experience from day one.

One way to feel confident you’re joining a great workplace is through a positive recruitment and onboarding process. Something that Carly noticed straight away at Downer:  

“The process was incredibly smooth, so I knew I’d made the right decision. When I met the leaders I’d be working with, they were generous with their time and perspectives. It’s an environment where you instantly feel welcome.” 

After accepting her position, Downer invited her to attend a conference in an area of interest before her start date. 

Women in Leadership

“It was in an area of interest for me and gave me the opportunity to meet more of the leadership team ahead of commencing. On my first day in the office, my desk and system access were set up and ready to go. I’ve never experienced such a seamless start. Though I’ve been part of the Downer for less than a year, I settled in quickly because of how genuine everyone is. It’s a great indicator of our inclusive culture.” 

2. A team with a depth of experience. 

When reflecting on Downer’s breadth of capabilities, involvement across major industries, and geographical footprint in Australia and New Zealand, Carly says you’d struggle to find someone who doesn’t depend on their services in their everyday life – whether they’re aware of it or not!

Achieving this is mainly due to the sheer depth of experience of the teams within the business: 

“It’s something that only truly hits home after you join. Speak to anyone in the business, and you’re guaranteed to learn something new. We have many knowledgeable people who are specialists in their field and are always happy to share their perspectives.” 

3. A workplace culture of celebration.

Thriving teams need opportunities to celebrate success. Appreciating the wins builds momentum, improves optimism, and makes hard moments feel worthwhile. That’s why Carly’s personal philosophy is a brilliant one: 

“I’m a big believer in celebrating everything. If we don’t pause and acknowledge what we’ve achieved, the moment passes, and you can never get it back.” 

It’s a perspective that aligns well with Downer’s Energy & Utilities recognition approach, Cheers from Peers

Downer Energy & Utilities uses this dedicated employee recognition and reward program to recognize positive behaviors and achievements. It’s a peer-based recognition initiative where anyone in our business can praise someone for their good work, offer congratulations, or record a customer compliment. This is important, particularly when it comes to ‘quiet achievers’ who are intrinsically motivated and deliver for a business day in and day out. Their consistency is essential to a business’s success. It’s great to work for a company that sees the value in its people and lives and breathes that in how it recognizes good work.” 

Looking for an organization where you can be part of a thriving community AND a committed team? Downer is hiring!

Explore their current opportunities right here. 

4. A positive leadership focus. 

Aside from Downer’s technical and operational focus, Carly also noticed something else about the company –  its commitment to authentic leadership and their capacity to move teams toward shared goals: 

“I think many of us are aware of the challenges we face in decarbonizing operations, meeting climate targets, and maintaining reliable supply. Downer has shown leadership in this space, with a strong track record and solutions-focused approach.” 

It’s been positive for Carly to see an organization leading from the front in this way: =

“We maintain strong ties to industry and our customers, with a common drive to say what we mean, do what we say we will, and deliver safely above all. This is brought together through The Downer Difference – our commitment to building a high-performing culture, great customer service, and an inclusive, purpose-driven workplace.” 

5. Meaningful networking opportunities. 

Another key element of thriving communities is relationship-building opportunities. Facilitating networking is one great way to support this in the workplace. 

“In this business, if you put your hand up and express interest in growing, you’ll find the opportunities to do so. One of the opportunities I have been fortunate enough to be involved in is our EmpowHER women’s network, a Downer-wide program for women to connect, voice their thoughts, share experiences, and receive guidance, ultimately fostering their professional growth and career.”

Carly is part of this initiative’s governance committee. While it’s relatively new, she has been thrilled to see how it supports women throughout the organization.

“We recently ran our first EmpowHER event, an online webinar focused on leading with impact and authenticity. Over two hundred women across the business attended. It’s a big investment in time for the company, and it shows a true commitment to building a culture where women feel welcome and respected at work.” 

6. Valuing diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Diverse organizations have achieved stronger results than less diverse businesses, particularly through innovation from diverse perspectives, creating constructive, long-lasting cultures, and promoting inclusive behavior. According to Carly, it’s a key focus at Downer

“We’re a remarkably diverse organization, and we also celebrate and recognize a range of important events across Australia and New Zealand – like Matariki and NAIDOC Week, World Environment Day, and IDAHOBIT Day. From site-based celebrations, like barbeques, to company-wide webinars, it’s great to see an inclusive workplace that welcomes and celebrates people from many walks of life.” 

Through a commitment to diversity and inclusion, it’s a workplace founded on mutual respect where all people, communities, and cultures are recognized, valued, and celebrated. 

“You get the most out of life when you can bring your whole self to what you do. Flexible, diverse, and inclusive workplaces, in turn, create a more engaged workforce, full of talented people.” 

Downer has also been an endorsed employer with WORK180 for over five years: 

Women in Leadership

“It can only be good when a company invests in building an inclusive culture and actively engages with organizations like WORK180 to make that come to life. Not long after I started with Downer, we co-hosted an event in Perth with WORK180 to strengthen our partnership, connect with women across the industry, and engage in dialogue around growing representation of women in leadership.” 

7. Opportunities to give back. 

Downer’s purpose of enabling communities to thrive is to create a sustained, positive impact. It shines through its workplace giving initiatives, partner charities, and volunteer opportunities for team members. 

“Volunteering has been a big part of my life outside of work, and I’m a big believer in leveraging the skills you develop at work to contribute to worthwhile causes. I’ve previously been a lead government advocate for JDRF Australia, who lead Type 1 diabetes (T1D) research and advocates for the T1D community. Downer supports volunteering opportunities for our teams through Downer Giving, the company’s philanthropic strategy, and I’ve seen that in action here in Western Australia, where I work. It’s great to see those values lived out in the company.”

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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