How Maria Gatica embraced her journey & reaped the benefits at Downer

September 25, 2024
Career development
Maria, a Project Engineer with Downer, proves that following your dreams brings the best rewards. 

Back in Chile, where she was born and raised, Maria Gatica dreamed of exploring the wider world. Enacting her ambitions took her to fifty-plus countries before she turned thirty. Then, her adventures brought her to Australia, where she had the opportunity to explore her career development in a different country.

Her employer, Downer, is glad she did; Maria has worked hard to become a valued team member, a sought-after professional, and the epitome of a woman on the up: 

“At Downer, I started as a Site Engineer, and about five months later, I was promoted to Project Engineer, moving into sewer renewal projects. I was convinced Downer was the right place for me, as building relationships and creating success is at their core. I thrive when working in high-performing teams like ours. I can see daily how we all work towards those aims. Before long at Downer, I was in my ‘salsa!’” 

Maria says Downer’s brand profile and respect from her peers also drew her towards the company: 

Downer’s brand has such a positive recognition factor. People see it, and they seem keen to talk to you. No doubt, their impression gets better when they get to know me…of course!”

Diversity and inclusion? Tick!

At the moment, Maria says she is getting all she is looking for in a career:

“My work is about diverse tasks, interesting projects, a big company with all systems in place, and recognition. Here, I know my strengths and what I bring to the table are valued, and I feel part of a high-performing team solving complex problems in our community, which is not common to find”

In Maria’s industry, finding a woman in a leadership position is also not that common. Maria’s drive to express her own sense of diversity and inclusion in her work life and positively impact that culture is making gains in this traditionally male-dominated sector. 

This has led Maria to carve out a role as a mentor and role model for other women in her line of work and for others. She tells us she is proud of her work in this space and is grateful that Downer facilitates her commitment. 

“I like that Downer is continuously trying to do better,” she adds, noting that the company encourages difference and enables diversity, which in turn allows communities to thrive.

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Maria’s involvement in the EmpowHER initiative has been a focal point in her career and her personal life. 

“The EmpowHER Downer women’s network was launched this year on IWD. It shows that Downer is an employer that cares about people.  This kind of strong initiative proves this is the place I want to be. I felt such a call to join the network, and I put myself forward to be part of the Governance Committee as Deputy Chair.”

Supported to pursue her goals

Maria says Downer is all about developing good team players. 

Working in a culture that accepts and adapts to various personalities and backgrounds has been a high point for her. Maria herself is very much an embodiment of Downer’s inclusive landscape, and she attributes her personal success to the people around her.

Career development

“As a site engineer, my main ally was my Supervisor, Jason. He took me on board, and I guess he saw my will to learn and thrive, so he did his best to keep me up to speed. Other colleagues have also supported me along the way, sharing their knowledge and having my back all the way. Now in my project engineer role, my project manager Dan has been the right support to continue my professional development and learning journey.”

She says the high level of workplace interaction, experience, and skill sharing has underpinned her growth as a professional and as a person, allowing her to become who she wants to be: 

“I am most proud of my ability to adapt to different situations, scenarios, languages, and contexts. I don’t like to get too settled in my comfort zone. I am proud of being passionate and of being purpose-driven in my life as a whole. I care about everything seriously: my family, my friends, and my work.”

A place to be authentic

It’s clear that Maria’s personality and enthusiasm have lit up the Downer workplace since she arrived. She says the company’s creation of such a safe and nourishing space for different personalities and people from a range of backgrounds encourages her to be herself. 

“I am proud of my emotions; showing what I feel reflects my authenticity and says who I am. If I am happy, I can laugh; if I am sad or angry, my face will tell the story, and people can read me. I like that. Dropping some tears in front of others is no drama. I am human, and I embrace it!”

A supportive workplace has meant that Maria never feels out of place. Part of that is having a healthy respect for her journey and for the place she has carved out in the broader world:

“I am proud of my ability to connect and build relationships with my colleagues and peers, but that I am equally capable of having conversations with our executives, COOs, and be a professional part of business events at this level.”

For Maria, the journey is also about family, both the one she was born into and the one that has developed around her.

“The values that I reflect the most are from my mother, who has been my inspiration since my earliest memories in life. She’s my strongest support but also my biggest critic, and for that, I will always be grateful.” 

Maria has come a long way, both in distance and in terms of professional growth, to arrive at a supportive and thriving workplace and develop a career she is constantly excited about. 

“I am 35 years old. I have lived in three different countries and worked in four. I can understand different languages. I am proud of the long journey I have made to get here.”

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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