Turning resistance into persistence to achieve the ‘impossible’ 

July 17, 2024

“Nothing is impossible – the word itself says ‘I’m possible’!”

– Audrey Hepburn

Challenges, obstacles, and struggles are all inevitable parts of life. One of the most powerful things that can help us get through them is our chosen mindset—turning resistance into persistence. 

Business Systems Analyst for leading global energy producer EDL, Gloria Jazdan, has faced more challenges than most to get to where she is today. But her journey hasn’t been without some incredible successes, too: 

“My journey to get where I am today is what inspires me to keep pushing. Reflecting on my experiences now and seeing that dream become a reality, I know there’s nothing I can’t do!” 

In her current role, she is responsible for supporting EDL to onboard new systems and software while ensuring they meet the business requirements and objectives:

Women in STEMM

“If I had the chance to speak with my high school self, she’d probably laugh if I told her: ‘In eight years, you’ll graduate with not one, but two degrees, and work at a prestigious company [EDL], all of that while speaking another language. The sky’s the limit. You can achieve your dreams when you work hard enough and seize every little opportunity.”

To understand the full scope of her extraordinary accomplishments, it’s helpful to start at the beginning. 

Early days and education 

Like many of us, Gloria believed in the value of education as a child. However, for her, accessing school wasn’t as straightforward as it sounds:

“We relocated to Jordan after fleeing from Syria due to the civil war there. I failed my Year 12 exams twice in Jordan, only passing after my third try. While I managed to complete my secondary education, I couldn’t start my tertiary education there. At the time, starting my tertiary education and working in a large, successful corporation was only a dream. I wasn’t sure it would ever come true.” 

This dream persisted. In 2018, Gloria and her family came to Australia as refugees: 

“I had to learn a new language while trying to make this country my new home. One of the many reasons why we moved to Australia, besides finding a better life, was to be able to resume my education.” 

And she did exactly that – as she shares, graduating with not one, but two degrees! It was just the segue she needed to get her start in the working world. 

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“After struggling through Year 12, I’m proud to have achieved a top result in one of my degree’s units for a whole academic year and achieved a perfect GPA of 7.00 in my final semester.”  

Developing new skills 

Moving to a new country was the start of a new adventure and, with it, a whole new raft of challenges. During her studies, Gloria started working with EDL as an intern in its IT department. 

“Because it was only a small department, it gave me the chance to work closely with the IT leads, explore new areas, and figure out where I truly belonged. Working on IT projects was my favorite part of my role, as I dealt directly with EDL users and external vendors. This helped me develop many interpersonal skills, along with IT technical skills. 

“Admittedly, my interpersonal skills weren’t strong at this stage, which was challenging. I was still also learning English as my second language. In saying that, working at EDL helped me improve my written and spoken English incredibly.” 

Of course, it’s never easy working and studying – which she undertook full-time, no less. But she made the most of it: 

“I think studying made me do better at work, and work made me do better at my studies. The trick was to manage my time properly and use what I learned from work and university to improve my knowledge and skills.” 

She also spent three months working in EDL’s HR department as part of her degree:

“I enjoyed working in HR, but it helped me realize I belonged in IT. It was where I felt I could do my best work. After I graduated, the Group IT Manager offered me a position in my chosen career path.” 

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A supportive culture to continue learning and growing 

EDL’s incredible environment, culture, and teams have made the most significant difference for Gloria. 

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“Working at EDL was my first job ever. I was insecure about my skills, worried about whether I fit in or if I even had what it took to be able to work in a company like that. My team (indirectly) answered those questions for me. They’ve been incredibly supportive. They always take the time to answer my questions and invest in my development. Their trust gave me a massive push to do better, and I feel like I’m right where I should be.” 

She is proud to be part of an organization that cares about and supports women’s development. 

“It’s absolutely amazing. One of the things I love about EDL is that I honestly can’t relate to the gender bias some of my uni friends have shared from their experiences and careers. It empowers me with the knowledge I can progress in my career.” 

Having been part of the organization for approaching five years, there have been other moments to celebrate: 

“I’m someone who likes to be proud of even small achievements. There are many to name, but I’d say the ‘big’ accomplishment I’m most proud of was receiving the CEO’s ‘Can Do’ award at EDL‘s first Excellence Awards Gala.” 

Looking ahead, Gloria is inspired by leadership and supporting others to achieve their goals.  

Women in STEMM

“I’d love to give back the support I’ve received and mentor women in their early careers, including women from refugee backgrounds, to establish and advance in their careers in Australia. My greatest lesson is that sometimes, a difficult chapter in your life might convince you that you’re weak or unable to achieve your goals. Don’t let that set you back. 

“And finally, absolutely nothing is impossible. All you need to do is get clear on what you want to achieve, set realistic goals, and work toward them.”

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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