Getting started with WORK180

We guide and support employers throughout their diversity and inclusion journey, helping them to become an employer of choice for all women. 

Here’s an overview of how we’ll work with you to activate your WORK180 endorsement.

Your WORK180 employer profile page

We’ll build your profile for the WORK180 employer directory

  • A draft version of the page will be sent sent for your approval
  • Once approved, the page will be set live
  • Jobs feed activated (if required)
  • Your endorsement announced on WORK180’s social media channels
Illustration of webpage with the WORK180 Endorsed Employer badge

Your DEI Account Manager

You’ll be assigned a dedicated WORK180 DEI Account Manager.

  • Introductory meeting
  • Strategy session to identify where you are on your DEI journey and set goals for your first year.
  • Planning session on how to utilize your package inclusions
Illustration of two people shaking hands to become a WORK180 endorsed employer

Your employer stories

If you have employee stories included as part of your WORK180 package, we will write and publish these stories to promote your organization.

  • Nominate an employee for your story
  • We liaise directly with the employee to write the story
  • Draft version of the story is sent to you for approval
  • Story is published on our website and social media channels
  • Please share the story with your own internal and external networks

Advocacy campaigns

As an Endorsed Employer, you’re invited to align your business with the key standards driving workplace equity by contributing to our advocacy campaigns.

  • Select which campaign you’d like to take part in
  • Complete a short questionnaire
  • Campaign content is published on our website and/or our social media channels
  • Please share the campaign content with your own internal and external networks