Unlocking a treasure trove for graduates at Liberty Financial

June 11, 2024
Career Growth

Despite being encouraged to hit the ground running, many students and graduates share that transitioning into the workforce can feel disorientating or overwhelming. What should be an energetic, exciting life milestone can quickly turn into more of a millstone.

But here lies the value of graduate programs. What better way to find your feet than joining a well-designed program to give you the support and experience you need to succeed alongside like-minded peers?

Liberty’s Graduate Program is structured to attract free thinkers who strive to positively shape the future of finance and support people through financial inclusion.

Rachel Sharvin shares her experience in the Liberty Graduate Program, what she learned during her graduate role, and how she transitioned to a successful full-time role in Liberty’s treasury department.

Career Growth

Q: How did you discover and join the Liberty Graduate Program?

A recruiter introduced me to the Liberty Graduate Program, highlighting its unique features and how it could be an ideal fit for my skills and aspirations. They were right. 

Fresh out of university and new to the corporate finance world, I was curious. Further research sparked my interest, and I was eager to embark on this new professional journey, excited about the possibilities and experiences that awaited me at Liberty.

Q: Can you describe your experience when you first started? 

I instantly connected with the seven other graduates in my cohort. We were like-minded individuals excited to begin our journey at Liberty together. 

Liberty‘s customer engagement team immersed us from the get-go with hands-on exposure to customer interactions. It was a great initiation that deepened our understanding of customer relationships and Liberty’s service ethos.

I knew Liberty was the perfect place for me as I felt an immediate alignment with the company’s values, a strong sense of professional challenge, and a supportive community. Shared ideals, combined with opportunities for growth and genuine friendship, make Liberty not just a workplace but a home. It’s a place I can thrive personally and professionally.

I loved how the program helped us cultivate a well-rounded skill set through diverse experiences. It has laid the foundation for our continued professional growth.

Q: What was your favorite part of the Graduate Program?

My favorite part was my initial stint with the customer engagement team. Not only did it provide valuable insights into customer relationships, but it also set the tone for a broad-ranging and enriching professional journey.

In this team, we got to experience many aspects of how the business runs daily. The opportunity to build relationships with team members throughout Liberty was extremely valuable, and we gained a solid understanding of how the business operates across the board.

Career Growth

Q: Do graduates get the chance to have a real impact in the program?

Yes! Graduates can have a substantial impact simply by bringing fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and dynamic energy to the workplace. We actively engage in diverse projects and teams. Graduates play a crucial role in shaping the future of Liberty, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

As a graduate, you’ll often find yourself embracing new responsibilities, making significant contributions, and strengthening your resilience in navigating professional challenges. You’ll likely surprise yourself with how quickly you integrate into the workforce, perhaps because you’re primed for learning and particularly because it’s such a dynamic environment full of support and guidance.

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Q: Are there any achievements you’re proud of from the Graduate Program?

My most significant achievement would be the meaningful relationships I built with my colleagues. 

Developing those strong connections enhanced collaboration and gave me a supportive network. This contributed not only to my professional growth but also to my sense of belonging and camaraderie, making my experience in the program truly fulfilling.

Q: Now that you’ve completed the program, can you reflect on the support you received from Liberty throughout and afterward?

Liberty provides unwavering support throughout and beyond the graduate program by offering mentorship, regular feedback, and tailored training. The company’s commitment to my professional development continued post-program with initiatives for career advancement. Liberty is dedicated to your long-term success, ensuring you feel valued and recognized.

Q: What employee benefits and support services mean the most to you at Liberty? 

I’m so grateful for all the support services and benefits offered at Liberty, but they were truly exceptional during the pandemic. In those challenging Melbourne lockdowns, the organization demonstrated unwavering support to its employees, including myself as a newcomer. 

From fostering virtual connections to providing thoughtful and invaluable care packages, Liberty helped us navigate the difficulties of lockdowns and showed genuine care for team members’ wellbeing.

Q: What are your best tips for others to succeed in the Liberty Graduate Program?  

Four key things helped me make the most of my time in the program, and they’re relevant beyond it, too.

Embrace learning: Be open to continuous learning, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The early stage of your career is such a valuable time to acquire new skills and knowledge.

Build relationships: Cultivate positive relationships with colleagues, mentors, and fellow graduates. Networking within the organization is a fantastic platform for support, guidance, and potential opportunities for collaboration.

Actively seek feedback: Feedback and constructive criticism are powerful tools for personal and professional development. They help you refine your skills and enhance your performance.

Be proactive: Identify areas where you can add value and take initiative. Demonstrate your enthusiasm about contributing to the team and taking on responsibilities.

Q: You successfully completed the Graduate Program; congratulations! Where did your next career step take you? 

Well, I stayed at Liberty, of course. After I completed my graduate role, the leadership team gave me invaluable support during my transition into our residential underwriting team. Their guidance helped me navigate this new position. And they were there for me again as I transitioned into my current role as a Treasury Analyst in our treasury department. 

It shows that leadership is committed to supporting your professional growth and ensuring a smooth journey when you take on new roles in the organization.

Career Growth

Q: What do you enjoy most in your role as Treasury Analyst? 

I enjoy the dynamic nature of financial analysis and strategic decision-making. Engaging in comprehensive market research, I thoroughly enjoy staying up to date with economic trends and understanding their potential impact on our organization’s financial health. 

In my role, I’m responsible for analyzing and optimizing cash flow, managing liquidity, and assessing investment opportunities—all of which require adaptability and foresight in the ever-evolving financial landscape. 

These challenges are intellectually stimulating and professionally rewarding and allow me to contribute directly to Liberty’s success. 

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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