Why diversity & inclusion start with the power of connection 

August 14, 2024
women in leadership

A fast, reliable internet connection means far more than streaming the latest shows. nbn knows the true power of connecting people.

nbn knows the positive impact of creating an environment where everyone can thrive. From increased access to education and healthcare to providing new opportunities and giving a voice to under-represented groups, it all starts with accessible information and connecting with others.

Emily Peel, Head of nbn Local Victoria and Tasmania, and her team are on a mission to deliver a fast, reliable internet connection to every corner of Australia to help communities do just that:

“We want to reach even the most remote parts of the nation. We want to ensure no one in Australia gets left behind!”

But it’s not just about improving broadband speeds; it’s about improving every aspect of people’s lives.

We caught up with Emily to discover the steps nbn is taking to reach its goal of opening up opportunities to everyone within the company and in its work connecting Australia.

Championing inclusion in & out of the workplace

When Emily first joined nbn, she was impressed by a business dedicated to creating an inclusive working environment where all employees felt empowered to achieve their full potential.

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“I knew I’d made the right decision to work at nbn when I realized the company lived the values and behaviors they spoke about—it wasn’t all just window dressing.”

One way they achieve this is through inclusive hiring practices, which aim to recruit and retain more women and people from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups:

nbn is very forward-thinking in its recruitment strategies, including diverse interview practices. They recruit for skills and experience inside and outside the tech sector. You don’t need to be a tech expert or engineer to work here. As a result, it’s an amazing, inclusive workplace, with great people and culture throughout.” 

It’s not just within the business that nbn is looking for ways to help support underrepresented groups. By speaking to and partnering with key community stakeholders, Emily and her team can deliver the most appropriate connectivity solutions directly to those living there: 

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“Connectivity and technology have an integral role in our daily lives. Before I started at nbn, I knew little about it – it’s been an amazing learning experience. We collaborate with state and federal governments and co-invest in projects that upgrade or change a town’s technology type to meet their connectivity needs. Our work doesn’t stop there. We also ensure people know how to connect to nbn, optimize their connection, and stay safe once they have connected.”

Supporting communities when they need it, how they need it

The tech industry is fast-paced and changing all the time, and so is the world around us. Emily and her team have focused on an essential area in recent years: raising awareness about nbn’s emergency management

“Unfortunately, we’ve seen an increase in natural disasters over the last few years. So, we’re working closely with the emergency services and our communities around how to prepare and respond to emergencies.”

During a natural disaster, it’s vital that emergency service teams can access up-to-the-minute reports on developing situations—such as rapidly spreading bushfires, cyclones, or floods. With this data, they can map and forecast where they need to be and warn people in affected areas. 

nbn works closely alongside emergency services teams during a crisis event, helping them access the real-time information they need and sending out satellite-equipped vans so  emergency services can transmit data from the ground. The vans also support local communities, letting them stay in touch with loved ones from nbn’s temporary Wi-Fi hotspots.   

This is just one way that Emily and her team are implementing strategies to stay one step ahead of an ever-changing future and ensure that their work has the impact communities need now.

A starting point for Emily

Emily didn’t take an obvious route into her role at nbn. Her career has taken many unexpected twists and turns!

“My career and leadership journey has been very diverse! I think it’s because I love learning new things and am not afraid to step into the unknown.”

After completing an Arts and Law degree, Emily started her career in Legal Aid before some overseas travel and a stint in government. Emily and her husband then moved to one of the most remote towns in Australia—Weipa, located in far north Queensland. There, she experienced some fantastic roles working for the Napranum Aboriginal Shire Council, Rio Tinto and as the Chief Executive Officer for Weipa Town Authority. Ten years later, Emily returned to Victoria and began her role at nbn.

Emily’s time living in remote and rural communities gave her insight into their unique needs. She knows firsthand the difference having access to the right information and support can make. Alongside her personal and professional experiences, one of the biggest things Emily emphasizes about what makes her role so successful is the incredible team she’s surrounded by:

women in leadership

“My team is made up of an amazing, diverse group of purpose-driven people who care about the communities they work in. We work tirelessly to ensure our communities can access the best possible broadband experience suited to their unique circumstances.”

Always learning, always growing

With her love of learning, it sounds like Emily has landed in the right place for her career. In 2023, Emily was selected to complete the nbn Navigate program, which aimed to create the right circumstances for high-potential female talent to succeed.

nbn’s four-month Navigate program provided a great opportunity to meet some incredible leaders throughout the business and to become clearer on my future career.” 

As a leader, Emily takes great pride in watching her team grow professionally and personally, and she encourages us all to take on new challenges, whatever stage we’re at:

“Push yourself out of your comfort zone, as that is where you will grow and learn the most about yourself, and always be open-minded to opportunities and possibilities!”

At nbn, everyone has the opportunity to reach for the top – will you?

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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