Tech Talent Charter

Bringing together industries and organisations to drive diversity and address gender imbalance in technology roles.

About Tech Talent Charter

The Tech Talent Charter (TTC) is a commitment by organisations to a set of undertakings that aim to deliver greater diversity in the tech workforce of the UK, one that better reflects the make-up of the population. Signatories of the charter make a number of pledges in relation to their approach to recruitment and retention. Although it is very much an employer-led initiative, in March 2017 the TTC was supported in the government’s policy paper on the UK Digital Strategy.


The TTC toolkit

Our toolkit is a set of free, actionable resources designed to support organisations in driving diversity and inclusion in their workforce.

Join the Tech Talent Charter

It’s free to join the Tech Talent Charter (TTC) and access our many Signatory resources. To become a member, we ask is that your organisation commits to a number of pledges related to your approach to the recruitment, promotion, and retention of a diverse workforce.


The TTC brings together our Signatories and leading subject-matter experts to discuss and develop actionable outcomes related to diversity and inclusion in the tech ecosystem through our events. These events also encourage collaboration and information sharing between our Signatories and their networks.

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We are very proud to be a signatory – OVO is determined to hire and nurture a diverse and inclusive movement of world changers. We’re solving humankind’s greatest challenge and we need all of humankind here to help us. We look forward to learning from and networking with the TTC community.

OVO Energy
– Tech Talent Charter Signatory

“I am delighted that the Bank of England is now a proud signatory of Tech Talent Charter. We are committing ourselves to action by joining this collective effort and pledging to collaborate and share best practices with others, progress our plan to improve inclusion and share diversity data for collective intelligence. I strongly believe our commitment advances the Bank’s desire for meaningful change, continuing to hold ourselves accountable both to our staff and externally to our peers.”

Bank of England
– Tech Talent Charter Signatory