The inside story: What flexible working at Deloitte looks like

January 18, 2023
Flexible working at Deloitte

Big Four Australian accounting firm, Deloitte, is leading the way with its flexible working arrangements. Dubbed DeloitteFlex, this market-leading policy includes twelve flexible work options that allow team members to shape their working day and receive a range of leave choices. 

At the core of this policy: team members are empowered to design their work arrangements based on the needs of their clients, managers, teams, and personal circumstances. 

To get a glimpse into what DeloitteFlex looks like in practice we spoke to Emily Godwin, Consultant, Human Capital – Organizational Transformation, about her hybrid and flexible work arrangements at Deloitte

“I love that no two weeks are ever the same,” said Emily. “It’s completely transformed my life.” 

How did these changes impact your day-to-day work life? 

Deloitte’s incredible flexibility took a little getting used to. But now that I’ve created a great way of life, I can’t imagine not being able to work like this! I work a few days from home, and in the office, which allows me to attend client meetings in person a few days each week.

What does your typical work schedule look like? 

On Mondays, I usually work from home to set myself up for the week – and do a few loads of laundry! Then, once per week, I usually work in my client’s office. 

Fridays are great days to be in the Deloitte office, as we usually have team-building activities. I tend to organize a lunch date in the CBD, so I have something to look forward to at the end of the week

Do you still work 9am-5pm, or have you adjusted your hours?

I’m a late-start-late-finish kind of person, as I like to go to the gym before work and ease into the day around 8.30/9.00am. 

Interestingly, my manager is the total opposite – she loves early starts and is usually online from 7am! So, we just ensure we schedule meetings with each other during our communal hours. 

Because I’m a night owl, I find I’m most productive during afternoons and evenings. This actually works out so well for me (in WA), as many of my clients are a few hours ahead of me in Adelaide. So, my mornings are filled with client meetings; then I can focus on completing tasks in the afternoons

How do you make the most of flexible work? 

When I work from home, I usually start my day with things that need my concentrated attention. When it’s a meeting-intense day – I find it’s much easier to do this from home. 

Then, during the days I work at my client’s office, I try to plan light days – so I can have those impromptu (necessary) conversations, to continue building rapport. 

When I work in the office, I like to schedule face-to-face meetings. Fridays tend to be social days, so that gives me the opportunity to do admin tasks, such as expense reporting, keeping up to date on industry trends (reading newsletters, etc.), finalizing my timesheet, and clearing my inbox

DeloitteFlex offers team members paid annual well-being days, the ability to adjust start-finish times, the ability to swap public holidays to observe important cultural or religious days, and community days for people to take time off and make an impact in their community.

Find out more. 

How does flexible work help you thrive? 

Being able to ‘work my way’ means I don’t feel guilty about taking ten minutes to do a load of laundry or take my dog for a walk on my lunch break. I also enjoy getting dressed up to attend the office, building connections with my colleagues, and spending time with my clients.

Flexible working at Deloitte

It just means I don’t have to sweat the small stuff – I’m more focused on the outcomes I deliver, instead of ensuring I’m simply on the clock during workdays from 9am-5pm.  

Of course, if there’s a deadline, then I arrange and adjust my schedule. But for the most part, I don’t need to do crazy hours or feel overwhelmed by my workload. 

Other stories of flexibility at Deloitte

Deloitte have reimagined what ‘work’ looks like and how they can empower all their people to create a work experience that is distinct to their personal needs, along with the needs of their clients and teams.

Their policies are founded on: trust, balance, well-being, and personal connection. The Deloitte Experience (DX) empowers their people to make choices about where they work based on their client, team, and individual needs and how they connect with their clients and each other. 

A couple of Deloitte Australia leaders wanted to join Emily in personally sharing how the company’s flexible and hybrid work policies have evolved, and are supporting the health, well-being, and productivity of their workforce:

Adam Powick, Chief Executive Officer: 

“We’re standing on the edge of a new way of working. It’s one that encourages flexibility, balance, trust, and empowerment – all underpinned by the importance of human connection. This enables our people to make the right choices for our clients, teams and for ourselves so we can be at our best, regardless of when, where or how we work.”  

Tina McCreery, Chief Human Resources Officer: 

“Flexible working is critical to increasing engagement and productivity, supporting work-life balance and employee wellbeing, and recruiting top talent. The choice of what it means to ‘be at work’ will rest with employees, so they can be at their best and work in a way that suits their client and team needs, and their individual circumstances.

“We’ve also continued to evolve and enhance our Virtual Office capability, which provides our people with the latest digital technology they need to work successfully away from the office.

“Through the Deloitte Experience, we’re continuing to empower our people to create an experience that is unique as they are, and a work environment that is distinctly Deloitte.” 

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About the Author

Jacynta Clayton’s career started in recruitment advertising and employer branding, working with global clients to create and deploy strategic and creative content. Now she combines her industry experience with the knowledge from her psychology and professional writing degrees to write unique and resounding stories. As a WORK180 storyteller she relishes the opportunity to elevate the voices and experiences of so many amazing people, while also empowering and educating audiences on how to choose a workplace where they can thrive.

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