Parental leave policy template

A progressive parental leave policy offers a multitude of benefits to both employer and employee, and it’s in high demand: 79% of men and women responding to a WORK180 poll said a poor parental leave policy would put them off applying for a role.

Update or create a progressive parental leave policy your company can be proud of with our free template, written and approved by diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) experts:

  • Global best practice: Use our template to ensure your policy offers inclusions employees want and need to thrive in the workplace. 
  • Inclusive language: Our gender-neutral template also ensures you’re offering the right inclusions, in the right way. 
  • Easy-to-implement: Download the policy (via Microsoft Word or Google Doc) and follow the simple instructions to quickly and easily apply it to your organization. 

Download your free copy today

More free resources

The What Women Want Report 2024

Discover the candid insights, data, and actionable guidance gained from our comprehensive survey of 769 women, allies, and marginalized individuals in Australia, the UK and the US.

Guide to Setting Effective DEI Targets 

87% of respondents to our global survey said more companies should commit to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) targets. Our expert guide is here to help your team do just that.

The Gender Pay Gap Review Checklist 

What’s your company’s gender pay gap and how can it be resolved? Use our step-by-step checklist to answer these important questions and take meaningful action today.