“Connecting souls with roles”: Go beyond your job title to career fulfillment with CityFibre

June 12, 2024
Professional growth

In the fast-paced job-hunting world, you have about six seconds to captivate a hiring manager with your resume. It’s a make-or-break moment that can define your next career trajectory. 

But how do you transcend the limitations of a job title and showcase your true potential in such a brief window?

Meet Lyn Henderson, the Senior Internal Communication Manager at CityFibre. Her story isn’t just about climbing the corporate ladder; it’s a testament to the power of connections in an ever-evolving industry. 

Join us as we uncover how she’s mastered her own professional success with the support of CityFibre.

Professional growth

Professional growth from day one

CityFibre, the UK’s largest independent fibre infrastructure platform, has stewarded Lyn’s multi-layered career to help her reach her perfect outcome. 

Now in her fourth year at CityFibre, Lyn knew right from the start that this was a place that understood employee engagement and the importance of ongoing professional opportunities:

“Even during the interview process, it felt different. I could see many opportunities for me to develop and advance as we grew as a business. My first role was working with one of our network build teams as the company was on the move. Although we’d just started setting up in a new city, I could see many opportunities to evolve my career.” 

Finding her ‘Utopia’

Lyn highlights CityFibre‘s supportive culture, emphasizing its commitment to diversity, inclusion, and learning. She traces her journey from City Marketing Manager to her current role, underscoring the company’s evolution and her personal growth along the way.

“I began at CityFibre as a City Marketing Manager, engaging with familiar local audiences. As the company expanded, so did my role, becoming Regional Marketing Manager. This shift took me across Scotland and England’s North-East, amplifying our impact.”

With the influx of ISPs, collaboration surged, opening doors to partnerships with industry giants like Vodafone and smaller players. Amidst restructuring, Lyn took on the role of Senior ISP Marketing Manager, initially hesitant but buoyed by supportive leadership.

Then, a dream opportunity emerged – her ‘Utopia Role’ as she calls it – to join the internal communications team:

“I couldn’t believe there was an opportunity to do a job I love with a company I so enjoy being part of! Internal communications is more than just sharing information; it’s about building connections, fostering trust, and creating a cohesive workforce. I’d had internal comms roles before moving to marketing, and the opportunity to move back into this area was my utopia role! Being part of this team offers a chance to help shape organizational culture, empower employees, and contribute to CityFibre‘s success in a meaningful way.”

It’s safe to say Lyn has successfully merged her passions with her purpose in the workplace—a testament to her tenacity and commitment, as well as CityFibre‘s support and transformative environment.

Explore CityFibre’s culture and commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion

Check out their employer profile, 

Accessible learning opportunities

Lyn’s empowering journey through CityFibre’s employment culture over the last few years has allowed her to grow personally and professionally. It’s also provided her with a broad perspective of the business and company at large, so she can understand where best to place her skills and focus her potential:

“In every position I’ve held, there was a remarkable opportunity not only to contribute my existing skills but also to adapt and learn. It’s all about emphasizing a forward-looking approach. The focus is on what you bring to the table, your ability to develop, and your growth potential rather than being pigeonholed by your past roles. CityFibre genuinely values and cultivates individual potential.”

It’s clear Lyn has strong ideas about what she wants to do, but as many know, it can be challenging to bring your dreams in line with your reality in the workplace. Once more, Lyn showcases how CityFibre has provided her with the tools and resources to help her get where she wants to be:

“For one, we have a coaching culture we can tap into. I’ve been lucky to have had the support of a great coach who helped me not only figure out what I needed to do but encouraged and supported me in taking the steps to make things happen.”

Alongside coaching, Lyn advises that learning is a massive part of the overall workplace culture at CityFibre. They put learning at the heart of their teams, with accessible, supportive, and professionally aligned training opportunities available for all:

Professional growth

“Our Chief Marketing Officer encourages a monthly learning day dedicated to supporting personal and peer-to-peer learning. This dedicated day drives a collective effort to ensure that every team member has the opportunity to learn and grow. Accessibility to learning opportunities underscores the company’s commitment to providing diverse and comprehensive training opportunities.”

Embracing the future at CityFibre

Lyn’s journey highlights the power of supportive leadership and a vibrant, interconnected community:

“The leadership team’s vision for nurturing talent has been pivotal. Their support feels like having a dedicated cheer squad behind me, fueling my drive.”

Like a vital node in a network, Lyn sees herself as the glue that binds CityFibre‘s diverse talents: 

Lyn with her family photo

“I’m the bridge between our roles and our shared aspirations. Every day, I’m energized by collaborating with colleagues across the organization, translating our progress into tangible victories.”

In this dynamic ecosystem, Lyn’s sentiment resonates far and wide. CityFibre fosters a culture where every individual’s potential is

Make your next career step more than a job title with CityFibre.

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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