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Telecommunications | 1,001-5,000 employees
How does nbn create a diverse and equitable workplace?
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Flexible working

Flexible working

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Career development

Career development

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Policies and support

Policies and support

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Paid parental leave

Paid parental leave

See your leave entitlements as a parent and/or carer at nbn.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion at nbn

As a WORK180 Endorsed Employer, nbn is committed to ensuring all their employees can thrive. Check out the strategies they have in place for driving equity in the workplace.
Formalized policies and procedures for:
Flexible working policy
Diverse and inclusive hiring
Non-gendered parental leave
Accommodations policy or Reasonable adjustment policy
Reconciliation action plan (RAP) or policy in place to promote understanding and respect for the histories, cultures and contributions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
Preventing and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace
Managing racism in the workplace
Managing domestic and family violence
Non-gendered dress code policy (e.g. not requiring women to wear heels or make up)
Individuals experiencing menopause
Individuals undergoing a gender affirmation
Support and services:Inclusive hiring practices
Recruitment strategy to increase and/or maintain the representation of women
Strategies to support diverse and inclusive hiring:
Commitments on diverse interview panels
Commitments on diverse candidate shortlisting
Scored skills based assessment tasks in recruitment
Standardized interview formats, criteria and scoring
Inclusive hiring training for managers frequency:
When they first join the business or become a manager
Employee voice & resource groups
Employee-led groups or ERGs to support and champion women
Employee-led groups or ERGs to support and champion under-represented racial or ethnic groups
Initiatives to capture and engage diverse employee voices:
Ask me anything forums with senior stakeholders
Employee engagement surveys
Listening groups
Pulse surveys
Suggestion boxes and/or emails
Town hall forums or similar engagements with the business
Inclusive & anti-discriminatory culture
Diversity and inclusion education and training programs
Training programs are completed by:
All staff
HR teams
Individuals identified as having an issue or needing support
Leadership roles
People management roles
Specific roles or teams
Inclusive culture:
Allyship programs
Assessing alignment with internal values as part of performance review
Celebrations of different cultural events
Culture champions or other staff-led initiatives
Internal values prominently showcased
Recognition of behavior reflecting internal values (e.g. awards)
Regular team bonding initiatives
Specific protections covered within company policies and values:
Non-gendered dress code policy (e.g. not requiring women to wear heels or make up)
Individuals feeling comfortable to 'bring their whole selves to work' (or similar)
Employee support & safety services
Health insurance plans offered to staff
Mental health and wellbeing support:
Appointed mental health first aid staff or champions
Leadership actively engaged in mental health issues
Access to gyms and/or fitness related services
Access to meditation or other wellbeing services
Access to therapists or other medical support
Employee assistance programs (EAP)
Internal surveys to monitor mental health and stress
Mental health "days" off
Peer support programs
Regular opportunities for informal social activities
Share regular information to support mental health
Training programs on mental health for managers
Training programs on mental health for all staff

About nbn

nbn is the team behind the design, build and operation of the nbn™ network - one of Australia’s largest technology infrastructure projects.  Our goal is simple: help deliver Australia's first national wholesale-only, open-access broadband network. We’re dedicated to providing eight million homes and businesses with access to the benefits of fast broadband by 2020.

But the nbn™ network is so much more than access to fast internet. A state of the art communications network can open up a world of possibilities in areas such as education, business, innovation, healthcare, flexibility, and entertainment. It will help ensure our digital future and give Australians the opportunity to be more productive, more creative, ...
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Why diversity & inclusion start with the power of connection 
Career development
Why diversity & inclusion start with the power of connection 
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