Dancing to a career on cloud nine

Dancing to a career on cloud nine

Sowmya Krishna shares her admiration for her mother who showed her the ropes on what it means to be a parent while leading a successful career. Her mother has been her pillar of strength and now Sowmya returns the love and care by balancing carer responsibilities with...
24 companies to follow to build a career in STEMM

24 companies to follow to build a career in STEMM

Upskilling, career transition or accelerator, and return programs. Options for women pursuing a career in STEMM are growing. But do you know what companies are offering these programs and where to apply? We asked 24 Endorsed Employers for All Women from different...
Redistributing unpaid work: the change starts at… Work

Redistributing unpaid work: the change starts at… Work

Caring for the kids, ill or elderly relatives, partners, pets, the home, themselves (often in that order) — UN Women reports that women still do more of the domestic unpaid work. As a result, women have less time to work or progress in paid labor, which serves to...
Gender-neutral parental leave to balance unpaid work

Gender-neutral parental leave to balance unpaid work

On average, a woman in the U.S. will dedicate 12 more hours per week to unpaid work than a man. And according to IWR, this unequal distribution is set to increase if they become a mother: “most caregivers who reduce their hours at work or step out of the paid labor...