Companies that intentionally pursue the appointment of women to their top leadership ranks are better positioned to outperform competitors. Firms with the highest gender diversity show stronger stock price growth (70%) and having at least one woman on the board...
Blameless Culture
Blameless culture has been on my mind recently. Aspects of it can be seen in the Toyota Production System, however, only more recently did “blameless” start to be used to describe it. Across the software engineering profession, it seems to have become the gold...
How to find a mentor and why you should start today
Earlier last month I had the pleasure of speaking at the Ashurst Sydney Women's Internal Mentoring event on "The Importance of Mentoring for Career Success". Mentoring has helped me significantly throughout my career both as an employee, as well as over the last three...
How to have it all: time management secrets from six-figure moms
Having it all. Juggling career and family. Work/life balance. These phrases likely conjure images of career women rather than men. Society’s obsession with whether or not woman can “have it all” implies that the answer is “no.” After all, if we believed women could...
Engaging your daughters in STEM: The Great Summer of Engineering
Review of London Transport Museum ‘Summer of Engineering’ London museums are catching up to the importance of engineering and STEM being the focus of their exhibitions. When I picked up a leaflet at my local library, I was surprised to see London Transport Museum were...
The millennial revolution and what it means for your business
By 2020, millennials will make up 35% of the global workforce & Gen Z will make up 24%. Together, that's more than half the entire workforce population. It’s essential that businesses adapt their workplace policies to hold onto these powerful employees who are...
More articles
6 pieces of advice every woman returning to work needs to hear – CommBank
Rebecca Crabb, Global Markets COO at CBA and mother to four children (and three dogs) shares her advice for women looking to return to the workforce.
24 companies to follow to build a career in STEMM
What are the best programs for women interested in STEMM? 24 companies shared their career change and return programs and how to apply.
Flexibility on a growth path at Transurban
Flexibility is essential for Work-Life integration, so Sindhu Samuel raised it as a key point while interviewing with Transurban. Fully supportive, she is now juggling raising a young family while leading a dynamic team.
A career that allows you to travel with Rheinmetall
Living overseas for work is a big adventure, and at Rheinmetall that comes with the opportunity to learn and grow in an exciting career.
“I don’t even drink coffee” | A flexible journey with Lavazza
Nicole may not be a coffee drinker, but she does love the flexible work arrangements she receives working for Italian espresso giants, Lavazza.
How to stay grounded in a global executive career – J.P. Morgan
Sandra Alves is the kind of leader everyone wants — pragmatic, humble, and deeply engaging. She’s enjoying her career as an Executive Director at J.P. Morgan.