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Netwealth Investments Limited

Banking, investment & finance | 501-1,000 employees
How does Netwealth Investments Limited create a diverse and equitable workplace?
Endorsed employerHero image
Flexible working

Flexible working

Find out how you can work flexibly at Netwealth Investments Limited.
Career development

Career development

Learn how Netwealth Investments Limited will invest in your personal growth.
Policies and support

Policies and support

Check out how Netwealth Investments Limited fosters a positive working culture.
Paid parental leave

Paid parental leave

See your leave entitlements as a parent and/or carer at Netwealth Investments Limited.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion at Netwealth Investments Limited

As a WORK180 Endorsed Employer, Netwealth Investments Limited is committed to ensuring all their employees can thrive. Check out the strategies they have in place for driving equity in the workplace.
Formalized policy related to flexible working arrangements in place
Flexible work options offered:
Flexibility typeAvailability
Compressed working week (e.g. 38 hour week worked over 4 days instead of 5)All employees
Flexible start and finish timesAll employees
Job sharing arrangementsAll employees
Part-time contractsAll employees
Time-off in lieu of overtimeAll employees
Work from anywhere (remote working) optionsAll employees
Work from anywhere (remote working) permanentlyAll employees
Open to candidates discussing flexible working arrangements during an interview

About Netwealth Investments Limited

We are an Australian FinTech business with an entrepreneurial spirit, we are award-winning, innovative and challenge the conventions in Australia’s financial services industry.

We are technology company, investment platform, superannuation and administration business delivering market-leading products. Learn more about our story here

About image
Working at Netwealth has truly broadened my horizons. During my tenure of 12 months so far, I have been provided opportunities to continue my professional development and learn new skills. With a strong focus on transparency, company values, a generous work benefits offering and a health/wellbeing centric mindset - I am pleased to be working at Netwealth and excited for the possibilities that are to come.
Yesha Shukla
Manager- Asset Transfers, Netwealth Investments Limited
Yesha Shukla

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