Flexible working arrangements
From remote work to adjusted hours, flexibility is one of the most powerful ways in which companies can help every employee overcome workplace barriers and thrive.
Looking for a career that doesn’t stand still? This story is for you!
Liz Cadogan has worked for Stantec for more than 15 years – but her career has not stayed in one...
Is your employer this flexible when life takes unexpected twists?
If your life took an unexpected turn, how flexible would your employer be about your working...
Would these benefits make you stay 20 years in one company?
What does it say about a company when an employee stays with them not just for several years, but...
How Nufarm has found fertile ground with flexible working
Let’s take a wander back to the year 2000. NSYNC was the biggest boy band in the world, Russel...
Alice in Abcam: A workplace where flexibility is no dream
Some companies are places where you just turn up, do your job, and then escape. Others are like an...
It’s time we normalize men working part-time
If you hear a man chooses to work part-time so his wife could work full-time and advance in her...
Why workin’ 9 to 5 is no longer how we make a livin’ (and what we’re doin’ instead)
“Workin’ nine to five, what a way to make a livin’.” It’s been more than 40 years since this song...
Proof that ambition and family can balance in a part-time career
If the thought of woman parenting three early-primary and pre-school aged children makes you think...
Job-sharing: harnessing the power of two (not two halves)
You’d think in a company of some 90,000-plus employees spread across the globe, it might be easy...