Career stories, inspiration & guidance
Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own career, after first person perspectives from our Endorsed Employer employees, or seeking DEI knowledge and guidance, we’ve got it all right here on our blog. You can use our search bar if you’re after something specific or simply explore our featured articles below.
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From humanitarian migrant to accountant – a career story of hope, resilience, and possibility
When resilience meets opportunity, the possibility can become reality. Read Husna’s amazing story and how her employer kept her possibilities growing.
How her skills in writing & communication led to a technical career
She wanted to be a writer when she grew up, now she’s a Senior Engineering Manager at DCE. Discover why she still loves her work – and why they love her!
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Taking the plunge from a long, secure career into a start-up
Alphabetically, Tass Greenwood’s talents include amateur app design, ceramics, data analytics, and fatherhood, although we very much doubt he prioritizes them in that order. And as beautiful as his pottery and daughter are – it’s his skills in collecting, structuring...
Journey from TransGrid Apprentice to Leader
The teacher was lecturing about science when the tell-tale buzz of her mobile rattled in Kailee’s pocket. Kailee’s hand shot up, interrupting the monosyllabic drawl of her teacher just long enough to request to go to the bathroom. It was only once the toilet door...
Taking leaps and bounds underground – South32
Abby Moroney has been with South32 for almost two years. She’s only three years out of university and she’s already a Coordinator with a huge amount of experience under her (hi-vis Fluro) belt. Her rapid career progression is due to the combination of her hard work...
Being Bold and Building Trust: The Benefits of Transparency in Recruitment
As part of WORK180’s Executives Driving Gender Equality (EDGE) Think Tank series, we recently hosted ‘Being Bold and Building Trust: The Benefits of Transparency in Recruitment’. Moderated by Louise Fowkes, Inclusion Strategist at WORK180, the panel was made up of a...
Winning with a growth mindset – EY
Announcing a pregnancy to your boss can be nerve-racking. Going for a senior management position while heavily pregnant is a whole new level of unknowns. But not for Alison Coutts who works as a Director at Ernst & Young, Australia (EY Australia). She was promoted...
Belonging in a state of art and design – Sofology
Furniture has the power to change your whole mood and overall well being. Ala Tahseen knows this well and can predict when people will come rushing to get their hands on the latest interior goods and furniture at Sofology — UK’s leading furniture retailer. With an...
Reading and resources: Find the facts about diversity in the workplace
Any worthy leader will agree that creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace is the right thing to do. But when it comes to convincing them to make it a priority, you’ll need to have more than just a moral argument to hand. Fortunately, there are plenty of...
From a playground sandpit to an open pit mine – BHP
Karen Hogan’s career change is the perfect example to show anything is possible at any age. After spending almost two decades in the childcare industry, Karen swapped the playground sand pit to playing with real dirt and trucks at BHP. She started four years ago and...
Finding the way in rail – Alstom
Travel provides many valuable lessons, and Bahar Kizilirmak appreciates everything she’s learned about herself during her global travels. Now as a Senior Project Planner for Alstom Group, all those lessons lend themselves to work as well. Finding her way in rail A...