Why you don’t have to like cars to love a career at carsales!

August 21, 2024
career development

At one of Australia’s biggest tech companies, there are endless opportunities to launch and grow a successful career – no automotive experience necessary.

If your interest in the automotive industry goes as far as whether your car’s aircon works, you probably haven’t thought about a role at carsales. You might think that it’ll all be car fanatics revving their engines in the car park, right?


carsales is one of the most progressive tech companies in Australia. They’ve been recognized as a Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Employer of Choice every year since 2016, voted a Top Graduate and Intern Employer, certified a Great Place to Work, a signed-up member of Welcome Here, and are Family-Inclusive Workplace certified!

Whether you’re looking for a career in software development, marketing, sales, finance, customer service, product management, data, legal – or something else, there are plenty of opportunities for you to grow a rewarding career at carsales.

Associate Product Manager Malintha Fernando started her career at carsales in 2016 and has worked there, mostly part-time, ever since. We caught up with her to find out what’s kept her there for almost a decade.

It’s more than cars!

Malintha is an example of someone who has launched and developed an impressive and successful career at carsales without much previous knowledge of cars.

career development

“I don’t have a passion for cars and have no prior experience in the automotive industry. In fact, I don’t even enjoy driving! What matters most at carsales is having a passion for learning and understanding the business area you work in. Being a car enthusiast is not a prerequisite for working here.”

First and foremost, carsales is a tech company—one of the first to digitise print classifieds in 1997—and it’s always looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve.

As the world changes around us, carsales knows that every opinion matters and that embracing diversity and different perspectives will ultimately lead to our collective thriving. 

carsales offers all its employees fully remote and flexible working. 

Find out about this and their other impressive policies and benefits. 

Investing in its people

Malintha was initially offered a full-time contract as a Senior QA Engineer in 2013. The opportunity coincided with another exciting development in her personal life—she fell pregnant with her first child. Although she hoped to continue working, she experienced significant pregnancy sickness, which meant she wasn’t able to undertake role:

“Despite informing carsales that I couldn’t fulfill the contract, they were incredibly supportive and eager to have me onboard. They even offered flexible working options, including working from home at a time when it wasn’t common practice. Unfortunately, due to health reasons, I had to decline the offer. Nevertheless, this experience highlighted that carsales was where I wanted to build my career.”

When Malintha felt ready to return to the workforce in 2016, she contacted carsales to discuss opportunities and was offered a part-time position that perfectly fit her responsibilities at home. When she had her second child, she knew she was in good hands as she navigated this new parenthood journey:

Malthita family photo

“I took nearly two years’ parental leave, and during this time, I remained connected with carsales and was invited to company events throughout the year. Keeping in touch days, allowed me to visit for a day or a few hours to stay updated on changes and processes before officially returning to work.”

Take your career up a gear 

Despite a bit of a stop-start introduction to her career at carsales, Malintha was recognized for her skills and invited to take part in their Global Talent Exchange program, which included a placement with Trader Interactive in the US.

career development

“I am so grateful for all the opportunities given to me by carsales, but the Global Talent Exchange program stands out as one of the highlights of my career. Immersing myself in a new country and culture was an amazing experience, both professionally and personally. Collaborating with Trader Interactive in the US was a valuable learning opportunity that significantly boosted my self-confidence.” 

Malintha says there are, endless opportunities to grow your career at carsales if you are open to them – through mentorship, training, and individualized career plans.

Inspiring the next generation

Through diverse and inclusive workplace policies, including their Women in Tech program, an active LGBTIQA+ community, and flexible working options, carsales has created an environment where everyone can make an impact and where employees feel they can be their true selves. For Malintha, one of the main ways she feels carsales has supported her professional growth is by supporting her personal journey. 

career development

“As a migrant, I don’t have any extended family, so working part-time has allowed me to carry on working while caring for my kids. The flexible hours have been invaluable in managing my work-life balance, and carsales offers options to support all employees to achieve this.”

By creating opportunities for everyone to succeed in their careers, carsales has created a wide range of role models for those starting—and Malintha inspires one very important member of the next generation every day:

“Female leaders inspire me greatly and we have a significant presence of female leaders at carsales who are always approachable and ready to provide inspiration. Knowing my own daughter looks up to me inspires me to continually strive for excellence. It motivates me to learn and develop new skills, take on challenges, and pursue opportunities for advancement.” 

Ready to jumpstart your career?

There’s never been a better time to rev the engine of your career with carsales! Malintha encourages you to re-route your career and see for yourself:

“Don’t worry too much about the ‘what ifs.’ Just say ‘yes’ and give it a try! Failing is far better than living with the regret of not trying. Remember, nothing stays permanent, so enjoy the ride!”

Want to learn more about the benefits of a career at carsales?

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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