How one apprentice changed their future at Powerlink 

July 23, 2024
Women in Leadership

If you’re looking for a career pivot or considering potential new avenues, common advice is to think back to what you enjoyed doing as a child. Maybe a passion for animals became the inspiration to study veterinary science, or drawing or painting led to a role as a designer.

For Leanne Maurice, growing up on a dairy farm had a surprising and life-long influence on her career aspirations – and it had nothing to do with cows.

Women in Leadership

“I was raised on a dairy farm in Esk, in rural South East Queensland. Farmers handle most tasks themselves, but generating electricity is not something you can easily accomplish! During the 1980s, we experienced power outages, and we had to devise an alternative method for milking our cows using a generator. That experience ignited my fascination with electricity.”

Fast forward three decades, and Leanne has seen her career grow from Apprentice to Powerlink’s first female electrician to Power Systems Operations Team Leader.

Leanne shares how Powerlink helped light up her career and how she’s keeping the lights on for women who want to follow in her footsteps.

Become an apprentice – and learn more than just a trade

The first step in Leanne’s career was as a Powerlink apprentice. Powerlink offers a range of apprenticeships depending on your interests, but they all share one thing: teaching you the skills you need to succeed.

Over the four-year course, Leanne enjoyed a combination of on-the-job training and technical learning – and was able to work on exciting major projects across Queensland.

“When I became Powerlink‘s first female electrical apprentice, I had many doubts and uncertainties about stepping into a traditionally male-dominated field. However, the reality has been incredibly empowering and rewarding. The support I received exceeded my expectations, showing me that barriers are meant to be broken.”

Leanne also started building her professional connections and, with the help of her leaders, shaped her personal career path through ongoing feedback and career development conversations:

”Throughout my apprenticeship at Powerlink, I received mentorship from my tradespeople and made many connections that were pivotal in supporting my career growth. These experiences enhanced my technical skills and provided invaluable guidance. To all aspiring female electricians, know that mentorship and connections are key to your success. Embrace every opportunity to learn and grow, and you will find a community at Powerlink ready to support and uplift you.”

Changing the future for women at Powerlink

After completing her Electrical Fitter Mechanic apprenticeship, Leanne accepted a position as Powerlink’s first female electrician – marking a huge step forward for women in the industry and setting the benchmark for other employers to do the same.

Powerlink truly values inclusivity and diversity and doesn’t discriminate. If you have the skills and determination, there is no limit to what you can achieve!”

Powerlink actively supports diverse and inclusive hiring and has promoted 32% of its women in the past year. 

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With flexible and remote working opportunities, paid parental leave, and ambitious targets to increase gender diversity, Powerlink is serious about creating an environment where women can thrive. Strategies are also in place to encourage and support applicants from underrepresented groups, including several employee-led Diversity and Inclusion Communities of Practice for LGBTQIA+, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and People with disabilities, amongst others.

Leanne says that feeling like you can be your true self in the workplace helps create an environment where everyone feels they are part of the team and all contributions are welcomed.

Leanne Maurice Powerlink

“It’s all about the people. Everyone here is passionate about their roles and takes their responsibilities seriously. But even when the workload is high, we have a bit of banter and have fun in our teams. Building those relationships is important because you rely on each other to help solve problems. Whether it’s the person beside you, your team leader, or someone out in the field, we all work together well.”

As we head into a new energy future, Powerlink is passionate about hearing from different, diverse perspectives. They believe that questioning and challenging how we see things will ultimately solve the problems we face together.

Leaving the lights on for other women in the industry

After working in the field for nine years, Leanne set another industry standard by joining the control room as Powerlink’s first female Controller.

With an obvious talent for working with others and a knack for solving complex problems, Leanne began her current role as Power Systems Operations Team Leader. This high-stakes position sees her working with her team to find solutions to a wide range of issues – some of which can be very unexpected!

“It’s very dynamic! Sometimes, we have simple problems; sometimes, they’re more complicated. And when it’s very quiet, you sit like a coiled spring, ready to pounce and respond if something goes wrong!”

Leanne credits her career success to Powerlink’s continued support and the opportunities it has provided for her personal and professional growth. With this level of ongoing commitment, she encourages other women to consider a role at Powerlink, too.

Women in Leadership

“If you want to progress and get exposure to all that Powerlink has to offer, all you need to do is put your hand up! I started as an apprentice in the field, and now I lead a team that is responsible for controlling Queensland’s electricity network – there are lots of different roles and responsibilities at Powerlink that I didn’t know about when I started.”

In a fast-changing industry, Powerlink understands how important it is to stay ahead of the game. With this in mind, employees are encouraged to continue their learning journey and expand their skills through various opportunities, including coaching and mentoring, access to training, internal and external internships and secondments, and financial contributions towards external qualification.

“I’m a bit of a habitual studier! I’m doing my MBA at the moment, which will open up lots of opportunities for me. I’ve also done a lot of study outside of the electrical industry, including a Degree in Health Science (Myotherapy), a postgrad certificate in Fatigue Risk Management, and a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment.”

Be part of the future

Powerlink is proud to be at the forefront of Queensland’s clean energy transformation. Leanne says there’s no better time to help them achieve their goals:

“We’re gearing up for an even brighter future. Our technology is evolving, and the whole network is transforming. It’s a very exciting time for Powerlink and our industry as a whole because the next few years will be huge – I love being a part of that!”

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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