Career stories, inspiration & guidance
Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own career, after first person perspectives from our Endorsed Employer employees, or seeking DEI knowledge and guidance, we’ve got it all right here on our blog. You can use our search bar if you’re after something specific or simply explore our featured articles below.
Featured articles
Pregnant and about to start a new job? What’s next?
Does finding out you’re pregnant during a job application process mean you have to step down? Angeles Miranda’s shares her own experience at Ampol.
You don’t have to be in HR to help build an inclusive culture
Check out how Moé has helped build Pacific National’s great culture from her role as Regional Manager.
More articles
There is no ‘I’ in job share
Job sharing is a great option for women and men to enable fulfilling lives through balancing rewarding, challenging careers with family and other personal responsibilities. Personally I’ve always been intrigued around how to do this successfully, particularly at a...
Moving beyond a new year’s resolution
Around the time of my birthday, June this year, I started to scroll through in my mind the goals I had set as part of my ‘new year’s resolutions’. Everything from the usual 'lose weight' and 'go to the gym' to 'start writing my novel'. I knew only too well that these...
Breaking down the barriers to work
I often meet with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) job seekers who ask me “How can I gain local experience when I never worked locally and all the jobs I apply for ask for local experience?” Employers look for people who they think will be reliable and...
A passion for tech that’s inspiring girls worldwide
Ami Pasricha chose to study engineering because of her brother. He was in the middle of a degree and suggested she give it a try. Until then, Ami had changed her mind often. She wanted to be a chef, an accountant and for a while, an actress. But the first time she...
Moving beyond a new year’s resolution
Around the time of my birthday, June this year, I started to scroll through in my mind the goals I had set as part of my ‘new year’s resolutions’. Everything from the usual 'lose weight' and 'go to the gym' to 'start writing my novel'. I knew only too well that these...
A typical work day (from the other side of the world)
At the beginning of March I left a snow covered London for a life in New Zealand. Now I work remote, trading the view of a weird hand sculpture in the building opposite for a view of the ocean and a few volcanoes. The time difference between Auckland and London is...
Adopting the right mindset for your return to work
For many people, September brings with it that old ‘back to school’ feeling – a sense of fresh starts, renewed energy and optimism. And, of course, September is a great time to kickstart your return to work journey as companies tend to start hiring again after the...
Why keeping in touch is good for your brand
In 2018, everyone is a brand. People spend hours curating their personal and professional image on social media platforms and in real life. But, what happens to that professional brand when a woman goes on maternity leave? This dilemma is particularly interesting amid...
Six strategies to take ownership of your career
Of three things guaranteed to rock you in life, I got them all at once. On the cusp of my forties, I had a baby, my relationship abruptly ended and I lost my job within the first two weeks of maternity leave. It was a trifecta of terror, and I spent my already...