Career stories, inspiration & guidance
Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own career, after first person perspectives from our Endorsed Employer employees, or seeking DEI knowledge and guidance, we’ve got it all right here on our blog. You can use our search bar if you’re after something specific or simply explore our featured articles below.
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Women in IT: What it looks like when you overcome gender bias
Parisa is familiar with the challenge of gender bias in tech. Here’s how she tackled it head on, built a successful IT career, and grew into leadership.
Growing a leadership career in environmental sustainability
A surprise promotion generated anxieties for Fiona. Discover how Stantec’s supportive workspace, and a positive attitude, gave her room to grow.
More articles
10 tips for dealing with work and parental leave
As a self-professed Science Mum of three kids, I am often asked how I managed work and maternity leave, particularly by parents about to embark on a similar journey. So I thought that it might make a good topic for a blog post and start of a discussion. Here, I want...
No internal emails, or meetings. Here’s my assessment of working in the cloud.
Having worked at KeyPay for a year, I never thought I’d learn as much as I have in such a short time. Having previously worked at large corporates with thousands of employees, joining KeyPay and its small team of 19 people (now 31) was quite a change. My role was...
Remembering our Queen of Soul
On August 16th 2018, Aretha Franklin, the 'Queen of Soul’ died aged 76. Aretha signature songs, 'Respect' and 'Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves', are veritable feminist anthems. Her powerful lyrics resonate with women all around the world. Aretha's was...
Aretha Franklin: Lessons from the feminist icon
On August 16th 2018, Aretha Franklin, the 'Queen of Soul’ died aged 76. Aretha's signature songs, 'Respect' and 'Sisters Are Doin' It For Themselves', are veritable feminist anthems. Her powerful lyrics resonate with women all around the world. Aretha's was...
Six women who reached the top but no one told you
Companies that intentionally pursue the appointment of women to their top leadership ranks are better positioned to outperform competitors. Firms with the highest gender diversity show stronger stock price growth (70%) and having at least one woman on the board...
Blameless Culture
Blameless culture has been on my mind recently. Aspects of it can be seen in the Toyota Production System, however, only more recently did “blameless” start to be used to describe it. Across the software engineering profession, it seems to have become the gold...
How to find a mentor and why you should start today
Earlier last month I had the pleasure of speaking at the Ashurst Sydney Women's Internal Mentoring event on "The Importance of Mentoring for Career Success". Mentoring has helped me significantly throughout my career both as an employee, as well as over the last three...
How to have it all: time management secrets from six-figure moms
Having it all. Juggling career and family. Work/life balance. These phrases likely conjure images of career women rather than men. Society’s obsession with whether or not woman can “have it all” implies that the answer is “no.” After all, if we believed women could...
Engaging your daughters in STEM: The Great Summer of Engineering
Review of London Transport Museum ‘Summer of Engineering’ London museums are catching up to the importance of engineering and STEM being the focus of their exhibitions. When I picked up a leaflet at my local library, I was surprised to see London Transport Museum were...