How to grow your career and travel the world: Q&A with Nufarm

December 5, 2023
Careers at Nufarm

For team members at Nufarm, the word ‘growth’ has many connotations. Directly, they contribute their passion and skills in chemical manufacturing towards growing Australian crops. But indirectly, they’re also growing their careers, skills, and networks.

In a few short months since joining the company, Martha Pimentel has experienced this first-hand. She’s currently APAC Supply Chain Manager, and has had a long, interesting, and impressive professional journey.

We spoke with Martha about her career experiences, travels, family life, and what she loves most about working at Nufarm.

Q: What inspired you to relocate from Spain to Australia, and join Nufarm? 

A: Having built my career in manufacturing, operations, and supply chain, I was excited when I was introduced to an opportunity at Nufarm. I was interested in learning more about agriculture – a completely new industry for me – particularly in such a challenging global economy. It’s been the perfect fit! 

We’re encouraged to propose ideas and I’m motivated to apply my experience and skills. I love the challenge of liaising with stakeholders in different countries throughout the region, all with unique cultures, while being supported by a highly knowledgeable team. 

It’s been amazing having the chance to live in a brand new country that offers – among many things – a high-quality, relaxed way of living.  

Q: Perhaps it’s worth going back to the start of your career journey that led you here. Tell us about your early experiences working in a male-dominated industry. Were there any challenges you had to overcome? 

A: My first role as a graduate engineer was in polymers. Of our 80 employees on site, I was only one of three women. It required a lot of extra effort for us to gain respect and position ourselves in the plant. 

One day, our manager met with the three of us to tell us about a new technical position, which required a relocation to the border between Mexico and the United States – but only to say he wasn’t considering us for it! As he ‘already knew’ our partners would never relocate for our careers. 

I felt so frustrated, expressed my disagreement, and requested to be considered. It paid off. I received the role and suddenly, my husband and I were planning our first move. (Of fourteen, in total!) 

Careers at Nufarm

Q: I understand you were in this role for a few years before having your son. What was it like adapting to a new culture, and taking parental leave for the first time? 

A: It was a challenging move and role, as I had to commute, spend time away from my family, adapt to Mexican-American culture, establish customer relationships from scratch, and provide technical services in a design centre with more than 2,000 engineers. 

When we had our son, parental leave in Mexico only covered 45 days. Fortunately, the company was very supportive, enabling me to extend this using my accumulated leave. When I returned to my regular routine, my husband travelled with me and our baby, so I could continue breastfeeding. I’m grateful to have such a wonderful husband. We’ve been together 38 years and counting! 

Q: How did you start gaining traction as a global leader? 

A: I continued to grow my technical and leadership experience for more than a decade. Things really started cooking when I joined a Swiss chemical company. A few years in, it launched a new program to roll out new manufacturing methodologies across the business. I was nominated as Change Leader in the Latin America region – a truly life-changing role. 

I lead projects across Colombia, Brazil, the United States, and Mexico, and travelled to Europe frequently to attend global business forums. Before my second project, I only had a few months to learn Portuguese and studied like crazy! 

Careers at Nufarm

Q: This led to you being invited to join the company’s talent program and receive mentorship. How can mentors make a difference in women’s careers? 

A: Mentors can have a tremendous impact on your career trajectory. If you ever receive a mentorship opportunity, grab it with both hands! 

I was mentored by a leader in Germany – one of the few mentors I’ve had the privilege and honor to learn from. We kept in touch regularly and met a few times each year. On one occasion, they shared a new opportunity in the company, as Operations Head, based in Europe. This resulted in my husband, son, and I coming together as a family, and deciding to move to Spain. 

We were all excited to live in a new region with multiple cultures and such a rich history, in a beautiful environment, and learn a new language – particularly for our son. It takes bravery to leave your comfort zone, pick up sticks, and start over in a completely new country. So, I’m really proud of my family for taking the leap with me.  

Q: Tell us about the move, your new responsibilities, and growth as a leader. Are there any lessons you can share with others?  

A: I managed the company’s Western region, which included Spain, France, Belgium, and Ireland. It was a big responsibility. It made sense for me to learn French – so I did! 

Many people understand leadership can be challenging. In terms of lessons, I learned during this time, getting support when you’re facing a tough situation can make a real difference. 

For example, there was a leadership breakdown at one of our sites and a lack of managing differences between cultural groups. I reached out to my mentor for guidance and friendship. We made the difficult decision to make changes in leadership – I took up an interim role, in addition to my existing responsibilities. 

It meant long hours and lots of travel. It took a lot of work on the ground floor to develop relationships with employees, listen to them, understand their concerns, and bridge the gaps between these groups. 

But it was worth it. We started to achieve positive financial results again, reduced strike risks, and even increased our plant’s capacity. It was one of the most challenging times in my career – at the same time, I learned the most. 

Careers at Nufarm

Q: Your next career moves also involved lots of travel. What inspired you to take a new opportunity in Global Business Services?  

A: It was an exciting opportunity to unify service centre delivery for this company in Poland, India, and China. It involved managing relationships with key stakeholders in different business units, to gain their support and confidence to achieve change management. 

I travelled between the service centres, strengthened relationships, and we successfully achieved our goals – creating more than 200 jobs in the process! My family was so supportive, and we were so happy to see our son achieving so much and thriving during this time too. 

Q: I can imagine you’d both be strong role models for him! Has your son benefitted from your travels and seeing you achieve such strong career growth?

A: We’re incredibly proud parents – he was actually accepted into all four international schools he applied for, so he had his pick. He’s incredibly hardworking. In fact, he now speaks five languages. 

In a way, he’s followed in his parent’s footsteps; yet at the same time, he’s treading his own path. He’s currently studying at one of the world’s leading science and technology universities in Switzerland. After graduating in mechanical engineering, he’s about to start his master’s degree’s thesis in macromolecular bioengineering. It made our relocation to Europe worthwhile. He continuously exceeds our expectations.  

Q: How were you introduced to Nufarm, and what were your first impressions? 

A: Well, I continued working with teams worldwide, including in Chile, Ghana, Zambia, South Africa, Russia, China and now… Australia!  

The wonderful talent team at Nufarm reached out to share a new leadership position with me. Right from the start, I was so impressed by everyone’s friendliness and openness. (Something less common in other cultures I’ve experienced!) 

It was also encouraging to see how they bring in people with diverse skill sets and industry experience. The recruitment process was extremely positive. I didn’t receive this first role; however, four months later, they invited me to consider a role as APAC Supply Chain lead. And well, the rest is history.  

Careers at Nufarm

Q: What attracted you most to Nufarm and influenced your decision to move to Australia? 

A: Considering it was such a big move for my family and I, the fact we did so, I suppose, speaks to how much I believe in the company! 

Everyone at Nufarm, from executive leaders and recruiters to team members, all deliver the same impression. Openness, transparency, friendliness. 

Nufarm truly supports people. There are so many opportunities for development, and it’s a flexible, relaxed work environment. I’m impressed they took a risk on me too, by investing in our relocation, and helping me as I develop experience in agriculture. I’m happy they valued my experience level. Now, we’re happily living in Melbourne feeling well-integrated and loving the lifestyle and culture. 

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While agriculture is still a male-dominated industry, it’s similar to all the previous industries and roles I’ve worked in. 

Q: Do you have any advice for other women to succeed in male-dominated industries?  

A: It makes such a big difference having support from people, particularly a coach or mentor. This is one of the reasons why, now, I’m so passionate about coaching and mentoring others. 

I believe women can also achieve career success simply by connecting with people, listening to them, gaining trust, and strengthening relationships.  

Q: What motivates you in your role at Nufarm?  

A: I love working in a role where my responsibilities align with my strengths and passions. 

I’ve always been very fortunate and grateful for support from my family. My parents shaped my values to be authentic, persistent, responsible, act from the heart, and have faith. My husband, who’s been my pillar, has adapted so often, and taken great care of our son. My son is also my main motivator – he encourages me to keep progressing, makes me want to be a better person, and overall, brings us so much joy. 

Finally, it’s an incredible opportunity and responsibility to feed millions of people globally.

For anyone considering a career move in agriculture or chemical manufacturing, I highly recommend Nufarm. You’ll have the chance to make a real, lasting, and positive difference in the world. 

a photo of Martha Pimentel

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About the Author

Jacynta Clayton’s career started in recruitment advertising and employer branding, working with global clients to create and deploy strategic and creative content. Now she combines her industry experience with the knowledge from her psychology and professional writing degrees to write unique and resounding stories. As a WORK180 storyteller she relishes the opportunity to elevate the voices and experiences of so many amazing people, while also empowering and educating audiences on how to choose a workplace where they can thrive.

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