Tanya Sidana started at UGL while still at university and is now in their graduate program. She shares what she loves most about working at UGL and why we all need to set the bar high in our careers.
Swapping skies for beating tracks
Randa Mohammad’s love of travel took a different route two years ago, when she swapped the high skies for a high-speed train as a Train Driver for Gatwick Express. She shares her career journey and advice for women wanting to join the rail industry.
Never stop learning. Never stop growing.
Rhea Neill, now a Customer Service Manager, grew up at BOC. Starting at the company as a teen, she moved her way up into senior management positions. Twenty years on, Rhea says it’s the amazing people and customers that make her career so rewarding.
Balancing sales and wellness – Okta
You might not think tech sales and balance go together, but Alissa Masuda manages a team of salespeople while running a wellness business, and the benefits are being felt across Okta. Read on to hear what a balanced career in sales can look like.
When the universe has your back
Mia de Búrca, Senior Software Engineer at 99designs, shares her fascinating career journey and the importance of giving back as well as the juggle of balancing a new job with being a new mum.
Enjoying the story in numbers
Lucy Young investigates and explores the numbers every day as the Head of Subscriptions Insight and Analytics at Telegraph Media Group (TMG). In our chat, Lucy shares her love of data storytelling and the importance of finding balance in ambition.
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