Sara Borgstrom was the first person to be placed in a position by WORK180, and that job kickstarted her career. Six years later she’s at BHP, another Endorsed Employer.
A career off the beaten track
Sue Essery’s second family is Northern Trains Limited, where she has spent the last 27 years across a variety of roles.
Breaking new ground as a mother in mining
Fiona Hack has travelled the globe with Sandvik and learned to deal with the mother’s guilt of building her career while her family was at home.
Engineering success from Seattle to Sydney
Prajakta Amberkar, Software Development Engineer, has been with Expedia Group for seven years, starting in the Seattle Head Office as a fresh graduate and making the move to the Sydney office five years ago.
Motherhood as a senior leader
Helen Delmenico, Head of Finance for the Staffing Division at Programmed, is adamant that parental leave and having a family shouldn’t impact your career! She shares her experience of becoming a mother and how she balances the juggle…
A hundred great reasons why ambition works
Anne Hughes only considered a move into management at the encouragement of her colleagues. She now looks after a team of 100 tradespeople and supervisors as Maintenance Superintendent at Alcoa.
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