Career stories, inspiration & guidance
Whether you’re looking for inspiration for your own career, after first person perspectives from our Endorsed Employer employees, or seeking DEI knowledge and guidance, we’ve got it all right here on our blog. You can use our search bar if you’re after something specific or simply explore our featured articles below.
Featured articles
Raising the visibility of women leading in male-dominated fields
We spoke to three employers from male-dominated fields to see how they are answering the rally cry to raise the visibility of women in leadership roles.
5 Ways to develop your values in life and work
How can values help you navigate life’s challenges? We spoke with engineer Andy about developing personal values and working in a male-dominated industry.
More articles
Arcadis encouraging flexibility across the business
Arcadis understands life is complicated and rarely lets you focus on work exclusively from Monday to Friday 9–5pm. Life doesn’t simply “switch off” for 40hrs per week. Embracing flexible working is key to help balance a career and a fulfilling life. Requests from...
Female Leader: Sue Maslin, Producer Film Art Media
Sue Maslin, Executive Director and Producer of Film Art Media, is one of Australia’s most successful film, television and digital content producers. She has a formidable track record of creating award winning feature and documentary films. Everyone would be familiar...
Jobs of the Future – Where are They?
The way we live has changed drastically over the past 20 years. Phones are smaller and more powerful, cars are smarter and overseas travel is no longer a luxury only afforded to the wealthy. And while these changes have arguably made life easier, they’ve also created...
Forget Bossy: Let Go of Fear and Become a Leader
Since I was little, I always knew that a woman who knew her own mind was treading the fine line of being bossy. Sometimes, a little girl, who might show leadership potential, is endearingly called a little ‘bossy-boots’, and we all look at her and smile. But when...
My Top 5 Tips for Live-Tweeting an Event (even remotely!)
Commentating on an event, live, is an exhilarating experience. And it really puts your organization in the thick of things. Events usually have a dedicated hashtag for the event, so using that hashtag during the hive of activity of an event, will get you noticed and...
Female Leader: Alanna Ball, Founder Women in Safety
Alanna Ball Founder of Women in Safety and Senior Consultant Brisbane City Council is a firm believer in gender equality, collaboration and mentoring. Growing up in industrial Gladstone, Alanna’s parents taught her the importance of hard work and integrity. As a young...
Penny Locaso, Founder BKindred and DCC Meetup speaker
Penny Locaso, Founder BKindred left her 16 year executive career to focus on being happy, rather than ‘successful’. She continually pushes and challenges herself to be vulnerable, uncomfortable and by doing so to contagiously spread happiness throughout the world....
#MeToo – I’ve experienced far too much sexual harassment to even fit into a Tweet
Many of you would have seen the #MeToo campaign trending on Twitter and Facebook. The campaign has seen thousands of brave women sharing their stories of sexual harassment, highlighting just how disturbingly prevalent it is! "If you’ve been sexually harassed or...
Without supportive employers I could never have cared for my disabled son
When I first attended an event for carers a few years ago, I was filled with feelings of gratitude. Even though I was a carer for a child with a disability, I felt lucky as I was surrounded by people whose caring responsibilities were far greater than mine. My son was...