WORK180’s purpose is to empower every woman* to choose a workplace where they can thrive. Our work is more imperative than ever with women being the most affected by the impacts of COVID-19.

To help elevate women whose careers have been impacted, we’ve created a special list of job seekers looking for work. This list will be sent directly to the WORK180 Endorsed Employers on a regular basis by our Customer Success team.

To all employers looking to hire, we will be in touch shortly.

Whilst having gender diversity in your company should be a no-brainer, recent ground-breaking research by the Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA collects one of the most comprehensive data sets globally) shows that a 10% or more increase in women in key leadership positions increases a company’s market value by 6.6%, or $USD72 million on average.

It’s a win/win situation!

*By woman, we mean all women including trans, intersex and cis, all those who experience oppression as women including non-binary and gender non-conforming people and all those who identify as women
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