Looking back on a year of social impact

Looking back on a year of social impact

In 2018, the International Women’s Day theme was #PressForProgress and, as we embraced the topic, we made it the year of change at WORK180. Every day at WORK180, we work closely with employers from small independent companies to large multinationals, growing and...
What I look for in a role as a 30 something female in tech

What I look for in a role as a 30 something female in tech

One of the consistent barriers I hear when it comes to gender diversity is what is known as the ‘pipeline problem’. You know, ‘we really want to hire more women, but they just don’t apply.’ While there are fewer women graduating in certain industries, and I’ve...
Be the change you want to see in your business

Be the change you want to see in your business

Diversity is being invited to the party, inclusion is being asked to dance. It’s with this note from Verna Myers in mind that Bindy Edelman approaches her role as global head of diversity and inclusion at cloud accounting software company Xero. It comes after years...
How to get simply serious about gender equality

How to get simply serious about gender equality

Two major organizations that I worked for in my corporate career had safety as their number one value. One of those organizations sent workers out in vans and trucks, up poles, down pits, under houses, in roofs. The other organization had workers out on mines, oil...