I’ve been asked a lot lately how I manage to get so much done in a day. For those of you that don’t know me, I have taken on a lot. Not including keeping up with family and social activities, I’m currently involved with the following: Co-founded a company called...
Origin Energy leading the way in gender diversity across the Energy industry in Australia
This article originally appeared in the Brisbane times. Energy companies are failing to take action on gender diversity, an index measuring their progress shows, and Origin Energy is the only Australian company to be ranked as pulling its weight among the top...
Top companies with women on boards perform better, research finds
This article originally appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald. Top Australian companies with at least 25 per cent female boards perform more than 7 per cent better than those with all-male boards, according to research that will boost the push to improve corporate...
Gender Diversity: Quotas vs Targets
In the world of diversity and inclusion, particularly when it comes to gender diversity, the debate over quotas vs targets is a hot one. It tends to polarize the protagonists with no-one feeling ambivalent about it. Mostly, the debate is emotionally-based with fear...
The Most Important Meeting
Think of your weekly schedule- work, personal, family commitments, volunteer work, study, etc... What do you usually cancel, reschedule, postpone till later that day and never get done? For me, it used to be personal commitments, in favor of anything work related. I...
International Women’s Day is over – what now?
With lots of events in March to celebrate International Women’s Day, one that stood out to me was the ‘Women in Transport’ event, hosted by Laing O’Rouke to celebrate and discuss gender equality in the transport and construction industries. Having revolved exclusively...
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How to Grow Your Career When The Unexpected Occurs
Natasha (Tash) Robb is nothing but a success. She shares an inspiring story of career progression through pregnancy, children and cross-national relocations to support her husband’s job by focusing on her strengths and asking for what she wanted.
A career opportunist talks leadership and flexible working
Yvonne Chien has never had a defined career plan, instead letting opportunity and a hunger to learn shape her path – an approach that’s served her well.
13 years and counting: Why Sara considers ESV her work family
Sara Hansen first joined Energy Safe Victoria (ESV) in 2007. Since then, she’s gotten married and started a family. She shares how ESV has supported her throughout every step of that journey and why it’s a family-friendly workplace.
Episode Ten: True Flexibility, the Juggle and Boundaries
True Flexibility, the Juggle and Boundaries. Episode 10 with Vivienne Partridge
Creating Value Through Culture
Simon Eid is the Group VP, Australia & New Zealand of Splunk, the world’s first Data-to-Everything Platform. He is inspiringly passionate about the culture they’ve created and believes “the reason we’ve succeeded is we live and breathe our culture.”
Life hacks for working mums – by working mums
We asked working mums from WORK180 and our Endorsed Employers to share their tips, tricks and general life hacks on work-life balance, self-care and transferable skills you gain as a parent.