Three quick questions with the company winning awards for pay equity

August 28, 2024
Essential Energy at WORK180's International Women's Day event.

Closing the gender pay gap takes time, especially in traditionally male-dominated sectors like mining, energy, and resources.

It demands unwavering commitment and ongoing effort — work our team not only supports but actively highlights for all to see. Why? Our research shows that women want to work for companies genuinely committed to closing the gender pay gap. By spotlighting these efforts, we also aim to inspire other organizations that might be struggling to close their pay gap

Essential Energy is a prime example of one such inspiring employer, having earned two of our prestigious Equitable Workplace Awards this year. What does this recognition mean to their team? How did they get started in this space, and how has WORK180 contributed to their success? We recently caught up with their Chief People Officer to find out. 

Image of Amalie Smith, Chief People Officer of Essential Energy.

Q1. Hi Amalie, congratulations again on Essential Energy winning the 2024 Equitable Workplace Awards for both your standout dedication in the sector and your overall efforts toward pay equity! Can we ask what these accolades meant for Essential Energy, and how did you celebrate?

“Winning the two Equitable Workplace Awards is clear acknowledgement of Essential Energy’s commitment to equality of opportunity in the workplace and is confirmation that the initiatives we are delivering are the right ones. It’s a testament to the amazing and passionate people we have across our business who are working extremely hard to drive inclusion and diversity.

To celebrate, several of our key stakeholders attended the Equitable Workplace Awards in Melbourne as recognition of their individual efforts and contributions in this space.”

Image: Gemma Lloyd (left), Co-Founder and CEO of WORK180, presenting one of Essential Energy's two Equitable Workplace Awards at the annual International Women's Day summit.

Image: Gemma Lloyd (left), Co-Founder and CEO of WORK180, presenting one of Essential Energy’s two Equitable Workplace Awards at the annual International Women’s Day summit.

Q2. Winning an Equitable Workplace Award for Pay Equity doesn’t happen overnight. Since when and why has this been a focus for Essential Energy?

“While there is always more to do, we are well on our journey to embedding inclusion and diversity at Essential Energy, with inclusivity being one of our core values. 

“We have several diversity streams and reference groups within our business to drive positive change and support minority groups and strive for equity. Diversity of thought, background and experience leads to increased innovation and better business outcomes and is fundamental to Essential Energy’s business model.”

Find out more about the company’s work in this space on Essential Energy’s Endorsed Employer profile.

Essential Energy's profile page.

Q3. Finally, would you mind sharing what role WORK180 plays in these efforts?

“Our WORK180 Account Manager’s support has been paramount in this achievement for Essential Energy. The use of the DEI assessment assists us to identify any potential areas of opportunity or gaps we may have. Being able to benchmark ourselves against the ten categories and other Endorsed Employers is another great feature that acts as a checkpoint on our inclusion and diversity journey.”

Thank you, Amalie, for sharing your insights and highlighting the strides Essential Energy is making in the realm of diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

If you’d like to stay inspired by more stories from changemakers in this space, and receive regular resources and guidance from our in-house DEI Advisors, be sure to join our mailing list.

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About the Author

Sophie Main is WORK180's Brand and Content Manager, with a background in business improvement and a determination to make the working world a better place. She regularly collaborates with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) experts to create content that will help companies support the careers of all women.

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