Discover a shining example of a program that not only attracts more women to Australia’s tech sector but also retains them, driving a brighter future for the sector.
Where else can you create a thriving career with a law degree?
A professional in law, Sally Watts has found a home, and amazing job satisfaction, working in the logistics industry.
The leader wiring change for women in electrical engineering
As a woman in both leadership and electrical engineering, Niki Jackson is ‘wired’ for change. Discover the ways she’s supporting gender diversity.
How to grow your career and travel the world: Q&A with Nufarm
People at Nufarm are growing their careers, and crops that feed the world! Here’s how Nufarm leader Martha grew her experience and traveled the globe.
From humanitarian migrant to accountant – a career story of hope, resilience, and possibility
When resilience meets opportunity, the possibility can become reality. Read Husna’s amazing story and how her employer kept her possibilities growing.
How her skills in writing & communication led to a technical career
She wanted to be a writer when she grew up, now she’s a Senior Engineering Manager at DCE. Discover why she still loves her work – and why they love her!
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A fast, reliable internet connection means far more than streaming the latest shows. nbn™ knows the true power of connecting people.
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Where could tackling your fears lead you? Sarah Braund shares how overcoming hers led to a passionate career at South32.
A new dress code: 4 women reclaim what dress for success means to them
Like it or not, women’s appearances are still heavily scrutinized in the workplace. Four women from WORK180 Endorsed Employers share how they’re rewriting the dress code rules.