When Yishan started her career, she “wanted to be a generalist because I was curious about many different domains. I realised NAB is an employer that can grow with me and support me long term in pursuing creative ways to learn and add value.”
How to transition from sales rep to sales leader
Meghna Bailey has enjoyed a 20-year sales career in the technology sector, and last year she made the leap to a sales leadership role, promoted to Internal Sales Manager – Public Sector at Lenovo.
Toyota Finance Australia Graduate Q&A
At Toyota Finance Australia, they’re proud of their graduate program and of all the graduates in it. Find out why Graduates at Toyota Finance love it so much!
Rebecca Brennan: Engineering & Maintenance Manager
“I’ve been in the property industry for over 20 years, starting as a plumber and gas-fitter and eventually putting down the tools to enter management.”
Moving for work opportunities and navigating pregnancy loss
Despite the challengers of immigrating to Australia and suffering a number of devastating pregnancy losses, Anna Bhathal is upbeat, positive and excited about the future with her husband and eight-month-old son.
Shaping the future and creating gender balance in trades
As the National Training Services Manager at Programmed, Pat Tierney strives to maintain an equitable gender balance within their trainees and apprentices. They’re recruiting for Apprentices right now! (Applications close Sept 6th 2020)
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A 7-minute guide to Employee Resource Groups (ERGs)
7 mins to explain what an ERG is, their benefits, the best practice, & how to start one (or many) at your company. Can we do it? Let’s see. Start the clock!