Three women share their views on inclusion and diversity hiring at National Interstate and offer some tips for women breaking the glass ceiling
How to run 10km, host a TV show, & still make the school pick-up
Janice is a data thought leader, TV show host, a runner, and still has the flexibility to make the school pick up. See which employer is helping her do it all.
The geologist who found support in the stone
When one mothers world was shaken, this company provided the flexibility and understanding she needed.
The 5 leadership lessons learned in a 30-year career
What does it mean to be an authentic leader? Top executive Jennifer Kirkpatrick shares her key lessons and insights. Read her story to learn more.
Career success with an established multinational
What’s it like working for a multinational company? Can moving countries help you grow your career? Engineering Director, Delphine, shares her take.
The consulting Director who mastered caring and career
iscover how Meiske Sompie is using her professional skills in project management to grow her career, and care for her family
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Sarah’s 5 pillars of progress: Paving the way in construction
It takes a great leader to steer a course in rough weather or chart a brand new direction entirely. For women in construction, Sarah’s story is a must-read.
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Marriage leave is uncommon in Australia, but discover how more employers are introducing it to improve the flexibility and benefits available to their employees.
The career-boosting benefits of an employer that anticipates your needs
When your employer anticipates your needs and supports them, great things can happen to your life and career. Emma Yabsley knows exactly what it’s like.
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5 employers that aren’t afraid to talk menstruation & menopause
The stories and employers we share in this article are a testament to the transformative impact of inclusion in the workplaces for women of all ages.
How IGO has sponsored, supported, and seen to the success of this geology graduate
If you’re looking for an employer that wants to help with your studies, and will give you room to grow, check out Kate’s story.