Donna O’Neill started with KPMG thirteen years ago, has been supported through parental leave and returning to work, and is currently managing the inaugural firmwide volunteer day in support of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Driving Diversity at nbn
John Parkin is the Executive General Manager Customer Field Operations at nbn, and is a passionate, vocal supporter of building a diverse workforce. We chatted with John about gender balance, strong targets for diversity at nbn and why it matters.
Flexible Working stories from the WORK180 partner network: PepsiCo
NAWO’s Gold Member PepsiCo are committed to providing a range of flexible work practices to assist employees balance their personal responsibilities and lifestyle with work. NAWO talks to two of PepsiCo’s employees to talk about Flexible Working.
Flexible Working is possible! (Our Endorsed Employers tell you how)
Yes Flexible Working is possible, in fact it is more than possible, it has great benefits for both the employer and the employee! Here are some examples of how our Endorsed Employers and their employees make Flexible Working work for them.
How Cisco is providing a ‘soft landing’ through major life transitions
Paula Gacesa shares how Cisco in Australia and New Zealand is creating a ‘softer landing’ for employees through establishing ‘Back To Business’.
How flexible work makes employees happier
Flexible work arrangements can no longer be passed off as an employee perk or privilege. In our increasingly competitive world, it’s the new normal, and it’s driving big wins for both employees and employers
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The future looks bright: Exploring for copper
For graduate geologist Dana, the future is looking bright! We spoke to her about the benefits of working for a company with shared values.
3 steps to close the gender pay gap (tested by leading employers)
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Whether you’re a graduate or been working for a while, taking a role with a company willing to groom you for greatness can pay dividends for your future.
Invisible disabilities at work: A story to challenge perceptions
Kashveera Chanderjith has tread her own path and is now raising her voice to challenge workplace perceptions of people with invisible disabilities.
A day in the life of a Graduate Electrical Engineer
Considering a career in electrical engineering? We spoke with Montana about her role as a Graduate Electrical Engineer at Stanwell.
The Science of Career Success
Is there a science to career success? Here are a few essential ingredients to guide and inspire you in your work from scientist Karine Enesa.