How to make a bold career pivot stick: 8 women spill their secrets to success

September 30, 2024
Career Pivot

If you can’t hear the word ‘pivot’ without the image of Ross Geller screaming it at Rachel and Chandler while moving a couch, you’re in good company!

Career Pivot

The challenge of maneuvering heavy furniture aside, there is one area of life where mastering the art of pivoting could be quite prosperous: a career pivot.

What is a career pivot?

A career pivot is a strategic shift in your career path, where you transition to a new role, industry, or professional direction that differs significantly from your previous work experience. 

Unlike a full career change, a pivot often builds on existing skills, experiences, or interests, allowing you to reapply or adapt these in a new context. It’s typically a conscious move aimed at growth, fulfillment, or better alignment with your values and goals.

For example, someone might pivot from marketing to product management, where their marketing knowledge still plays a role but in a different capacity. There are lots of reasons behind why you might seek a career pivot, including:

  • Desire for Growth: You may feel stagnant in your current role and seek new challenges or opportunities to develop skills.

  • Better Work-Life Balance: A career pivot may offer better flexibility, reduced stress, or a more manageable workload that aligns with your personal life.

  • Industry Shifts: Changes in the job market, like automation or technological advancements, might make your current field less viable or appealing. A shift might be necessary to move into a more stable or future-proof industry, especially in uncertain economic times.

  • Career Burnout: Exhaustion or dissatisfaction with your current career can drive you to pivot toward something more energizing or meaningful.

  • Financial Motivation: Some career pivots can offer higher earning potential or more lucrative opportunities.

How to career pivot with success

A career pivot can take time, and it’s a good idea to seek advice from those around you to understand how this might work for you and your next steps on your career path. 

But it can also be one of the most rewarding things you can do for yourself and your professional future.

We caught up with our Endorsed Employer community to learn how to make a career pivot a success.

Endorsed Employers: BHP | CSL | Fulton Hogan | Moonee Valley City Council | Pacific National | RheinmetallSandvik Mining and Rock Solutions | Western Power

From Project Management to Substation Design Area Manager

Meet: Jade Aye Chan Lwin, Substation Design Area Manager at Western Power

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

Before this career shift, I was the Head of Project Management at the Myanmar Project Management Centre, working closely with various ministries. Now, I’m the Substation Design Area Manager at Western Power. In this role, I oversee a team of electrical and structural engineers, focusing on implementing transmission substations within the South West Interconnected System (SWIS) – one of the world’s largest stand-alone electricity networks.


What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

My move into this field was inspired by a strong desire to contribute to the green energy transition and the broader decarbonization efforts. As an electrical engineer, being part of this journey aligns perfectly with my personal and professional values.


How has Western Power supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

Western Power has been incredibly supportive by providing me the opportunity to work on projects that are both meaningful and impactful for the community. This resonates with my core values and is a significant source of inspiration and motivation in my current role.


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Jade’s top piece of advice to others:

“Don’t hesitate to take the leap into a new career path. The uncertainties you face will gradually become clearer as you begin your journey. Embrace the challenge and trust that each step forward brings new opportunities and insights.”

From Vehicle Production Coordinator to Quality Assurance Officer

Meet Heather Mahlknecht, Quality Assurance Officer at Rheinmetall

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

I have worked in the vehicle industry for almost 25 years in varying roles. These include Manufacturing Assembler, Production Team Leader, Production Clerk, Quality Process Technician, and Production Coordinator. I have moved companies throughout my career, working with different kinds of vehicles. My vehicle industry experience began with cars, then moved to trucks, and now to defense vehicles. There are many similarities with remaining in the vehicle industry space and differences with moving into defense.

What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

I love learning! I have a continued desire to broaden my horizons and add to my skillset (or my personal toolbox, as I like to say). I enjoy taking on new opportunities and pushing myself while being able to share my previous skills with others to help them grow.

When I began at Rheinmetall, it was my first time in a predominantly administrative role as a Quality/IMS Administrator. This role allowed me to develop new knowledge in a space where I had only limited knowledge previously. This has also allowed me to see the business from a completely different point of view. As much as I enjoyed working in the IMS area, the unique opportunity arose within Rheinmetall to allow me to move back into the Quality Assurance space, which I have always loved and thrived at, without leaving the company.

How has Rheinmetall supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

Rheinmetall supports employees to create a development plan and expand their potential for career growth. I have been encouraged to enroll in courses to support my own career growth and improve my knowledge base. This has definitely encouraged me to remain in this industry and to look for the potential to continue to grow.

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Heather’s top piece of advice to others:

“Take every opportunity that is given to you and try everything that is offered to you. You will never know if it was the right opportunity unless you give it a go. If it’s not the right one, another opportunity will always be waiting. I personally never want to look back and regret that I didn’t at least try.”

From English Teacher to Instructional Designer

Meet Alison Woodage, Instructional Designer at Pacific National

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

My career began teaching English as a second language, but a growing fascination with technology’s role in education sparked a new direction. I pursued further studies and gained experience in the New South Wales Department of Education and the Commonwealth Bank, honing my skills in designing technology-enhanced learning solutions. This led me to Qantas, where I transitioned into designing eLearning programs for the aviation industry.

At Qantas, I applied my expertise to the aviation industry, creating training programs for diverse roles. At Pacific National, I continue to shape learning experiences today, but the context is vastly different. It’s incredibly rewarding to see how my skills translate into supporting the essential work of rail freight.


What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

The pandemic prompted a reflection on my career trajectory. Pacific National‘s commitment to safety and employee development, coupled with the opportunity to contribute to a vital industry, motivated my move.

How has Pacific National supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

Pacific National has fostered a welcoming and empowering environment. I’ve been fortunate to join a highly professional, supportive, and transparent team. Their openness and collaborative spirit have been instrumental in my successful transition to the rail industry.

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Alison’s top piece of advice to others:

Career paths aren’t always linear, and that’s okay. Embrace your curiosity, seek opportunities to learn and grow, and don’t be afraid to step outside your comfort zone. Network with people in different fields, attend industry events and never stop learning. Most importantly, believe in your abilities and not let self-doubt hold you back. With the right support and a willingness to adapt, you can successfully navigate any career transition and discover new passions along the way.”

From Legal Assistant to Helicopter Pilot to Marketing Specialist

Meet Elle Cocks, Events and Marketing Specialist at Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

My journey with Sandvik began in 2013 when I joined as an assistant in the legal team. After four rewarding years, I felt a strong urge to follow my passions; whether it was pursuing a law degree or earning my pilot’s license, I wasn’t yet sure. When the opportunity to attend flying school presented itself, I made the exciting decision to leave my comfortable position at Sandvik and dedicate myself full-time to becoming a commercial helicopter pilot. Leaving a secure job, managing a mortgage, and asking my parents to let me move back home at 28 years old was a significant leap. I was driven by instant results and a fast track to getting back to working and earning an income – being an unemployed student wasn’t something I took much comfort in. This drive was fuelled by the high-performing team I worked with at Sandvik, who inadvertently inspired me to aim higher and dream BIG.

After achieving my commercial helicopter license in just seven months, I embarked on a new chapter as a ground crew member and later as a junior pilot, operating in NSW, WA & Queensland. The unique experiences I gained during this period, from supporting student pilots to flying in tourism, were invaluable. Eventually, I felt drawn back to the mining industry, leading me to a position in the stunning Pilbara region. I thoroughly enjoyed my FIFO role, commuting from Perth to the remote areas of Western Australia.

What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

After experiencing the joys of pregnancy and maternity leave and navigating the challenges of COVID-19, I decided it was time to return to Queensland to be closer to friends and family. This transition brought me back to Sandvik, where I initially took on a Learning and Development role. This position allowed me to gain valuable experience in event planning on a smaller scale, which eventually paved the way for my current role within the marketing team.

How has Sandvik supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

My time at Sandvik has been instrumental in shaping my career and aspirations. I am incredibly grateful for the inspiration and opportunities I’ve received.

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Elle’s top piece of advice to others:

My advice for women considering a career shift is to trust your instincts and embrace the leap of faith. You’re never too old to pivot, and there are abundant opportunities awaiting you.”

From Paralegal to People & Capability Advisor

Meet Kristen Ridgway, People & Capability Advisor at Fulton Hogan

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

Prior to joining Fulton Hogan, I was an Executive Assistant / Paralegal in the legal industry for almost 20 years. In my previous role, I ensured someone else’s day and work was in order. For example, I managed their calendar, drafted their correspondence and court documents, and researched their cases. I lived in the shadows. Now, I’m able to manage my own calendar, draft my own correspondence, create and implement my own strategies, and influence others for the benefit of our entire workforce. I have autonomy and a seat at the table where my ideas and opinions are heard and recognized because I‘m part of a collaborative, innovative, and progressive team.

What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

I’ve always been interested in human resources and driving employee engagement and performance. I’ve experienced some work environments where employees were treated like numbers, and employers were more concerned with how much they could get out of their workforce rather than how they can grow and develop their people to benefit the organization. I enjoy coaching and influencing managers, as well as watching people grow and develop so they can succeed in their careers.

How has Fulton Hogan supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

I’ve had great support from my direct manager and team, as well as senior management within the organization, where I receive valuable feedback and am comfortable providing feedback in return. I work in a very collaborative team, allowing us to see different perspectives. This has allowed me to be more open-minded, embrace diversity, and be the change. I’m inspired by my manager and other managers in the organization who listen and support the needs of our people to ensure a positive and psychologically safe culture for everyone.


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Kristen’s top piece of advice to others:

“Don’t hesitate, do it. Timing is never going to be ideal, but just bite the bullet and allow yourself to grow and flourish.”

From Recruitment & Human Resources to Executive Assistant

Meet Holly Akerman, Executive Assistant at BHP

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

Before transitioning to the mining sector, my background was in HR. I held the role of branch manager at a small recruitment agency in Townsville, where my days were primarily spent at a desk glued to a screen. It became evident that this was not the career path I envisioned for the long term.

With many friends and family members already established in the mining industry, I found myself captivated by their work dynamics, locations, and lifestyles. This fascination prompted me to explore opportunities within mining, driven by a personal ambition to work with heavy equipment and carve out a meaningful career in the field.


What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

At that stage in my career, I had grown weary of sitting at a desk and staring at a computer screen all day. I was eager for a change, yearning to get out into the field, operate some large-scale equipment, and truly understand what working in the mining industry was like. Initially, the transition was very intimidating. Entering a large company like this, trying to grasp all the processes and procedures, and learning to operate a massive truck was quite overwhelming.

What once felt daunting gradually became second nature. It was especially eye-opening in the beginning. Seeing and learning about the entire process firsthand was incredibly fascinating and enlightening.

Growing up with my father’s extensive mining career as a backdrop, which provided for our family and exposed me to the industry’s vast potential, fuelled my desire to explore a field that offered constant challenges and meaningful contributions. Moreover, a pivotal motivation behind this shift was my aspiration to champion female leadership in sectors historically dominated by men, such as mining.

I recognized the need for more diverse representation at leadership levels and aimed to pave the way for other women aspiring to succeed in these environments. This commitment to fostering gender diversity and empowering women to thrive professionally continues to drive my journey in the mining industry.

How has BHP supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

BHP has been instrumental in supporting and inspiring my career in mining in several ways. From the outset, they provided robust training programs like the Future Fit Academy in Mackay, which equipped me with essential skills and knowledge to transition into my role as a truck operator. This foundational training facilitated my entry into the industry and instilled confidence in my abilities to succeed in a new and challenging environment. 

Furthermore, BHP‘s commitment to diversity and inclusion has been motivating. They actively promote initiatives that encourage women to pursue careers in mining and provide opportunities for career advancement. As I progressed from my initial role into positions of increasing responsibility, BHP has consistently offered mentorship, professional development opportunities, and a supportive work environment that fosters growth. Their dedication to sustainability and safety has also deeply resonated with me, aligning with my values and reinforcing my passion for contributing positively to the industry. 

Overall, BHP‘s support and commitment to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace have inspired me to continue pushing boundaries and advancing my career in mining.

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Holly’s top piece of advice to others:

My advice to anyone contemplating a career change is never to doubt yourself or think your skillset isn’t valid or sufficient. The key is to put yourself out there and apply for opportunities, regardless of the odds. Everyone starts somewhere, and self-belief is crucial. At companies like BMA and BHP, people come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, and that’s what makes the workplace dynamic and innovative. So, don’t hesitate to take the leap and trust in your abilities.”

From Early Childhood & Community Services to Senior Co-ordinator Capacity, Access & Partnerships

Meet Priscilla Fowler, Senior Co-ordinator Capacity, Access and Partnerships at Moonee City Valley Council

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

Before coming to Moonee Valley City Council, I was General Manager of Early Childhood and Community Services at Victoria University. I was employed at VU for 14 years in this role.

My role is very different now. I lead a much smaller team as part of the Senior Leadership Team in Family and Children Services. I have moved from 70 direct reports, all academics and admin staff, to 2 direct reports. My team works in a variety of roles at MVCC, i.e., Central Kindergarten Registration (CRS), Preschool Field Officers (PSFO), Community Playgroup Resourcing, Pedagogical Leadership, and Education and Planning.

I also develop partnerships with relevant early years services and allied providers, including those operating in council facilities or receiving council grants and projects responding to relevant organizational, local, state, or federal government initiatives.

What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

After being with VU for 14 wonderful years in middle management, I sought a role within the Early Years space that provided more Senior Leadership capacity.

How has Moonee Valley City Council supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

Moonee Valley City Council has inspired my leadership journey as a woman by giving me more opportunities to learn, be innovative, and be creative in my leadership. This motivates me to strive for excellence as a leader.

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Priscilla’s top piece of advice to others:

Career pivots require courage, vulnerability, determination, and patience. These all lead to exciting new opportunities and personal growth. Trust your abilities and believe in your potential to succeed in your chosen discipline.”

From Project Engineer to Regulatory Affairs to Senior Director

Meet Jill Allen, Senior Director, Filling Operations (BMW) & Network Filling Lead, CSL

What was your prior role, and what role did you pivot into?

For over twenty years, there hasn’t been a day that has gone by without me learning something new—it’s been fascinating. My journey began with Chemical Engineering and Science at Melbourne University, followed by a Masters in Engineering. I started at CSL as a project engineer, then moved to Switzerland for an exciting opportunity. Afterward, I pivoted into Regulatory Affairs, diving into the intricate work of maintaining medicine registrations with health authorities.

Over the years, I transitioned between Engineering, Regulatory Affairs, and Quality, always thinking, “What’s next?” The strategic move was into Manufacturing, as CSL is ultimately a pharmaceutical manufacturer. Today, I’m the Senior Director, Filling Operations (BMW) and Network Filling Lead.

What motivated you to pursue a career pivot?

When I think about the future, I always ask myself where I want to be in 5-7 years and whether what I’m doing now is setting me up for that. It’s essential to keep my options open, so when I consider my next role, I look for something that broadens my horizons rather than narrows them. I also make it a point to take risks and challenge myself. I’m always looking for interesting challenges, and I try to balance soft and technical skills when assessing what I know and still need to learn.

How has CSL supported and inspired you to continue your career in this industry?

Flexible work hours have been a consistent part of the culture at CSL, which has made managing my family life much easier as I’ve progressed in my career. Beyond that, the people here are amazing—it’s an inclusive, supportive, and collaborative environment where everyone rolls up their sleeves to get the medicine out and help patients. That kind of positive culture has been key to my development and success.

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Jill’s top piece of advice to others:

“Be brave and lean on your relationships with mentors. Throughout my career, senior women pushed me to take steps I wasn’t sure I was ready for. Often, we feel like we need to be 100% qualified before leaping, but sometimes, you just need the confidence to move forward with what you have. I live by the 60-40 rule—if I’m 60% qualified, I go for it.”

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About the Author

With a professional background in careers education, employability, and psychology, Elaine Chennatt has worked with many individuals from all walks of life to find their path. Following a career pivot, she now utilizes her passion for words to help inspire, motivate, and guide audiences as they pursue career growth and purpose. As the Global Content Writer & Editor for WORK180, Elaine is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter to help our community find where they can thrive.

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